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              Where are we now?

                     The University picks up from where it left off in terms of its strategic areas or the major final
              outputs (MFO). The following data from the Term-End Report 2014-2018 of the former University
              President, Dr. Serafin L. Ngohayon, serves as benchmark in laying-out the direction of the University
              for the next eight years.

              STRATEGIC REVIEW
              MFO 1—Higher Education Services
                     Generally, the University was able to accomplish its targets very satisfactorily as planned
              especially in the areas of graduates in priority undergraduate programs and accreditation of
              undergraduate programs.
                     For the licensure examination, the total average passing rate has consistently surpassed
              the National Passing Rate (Figure 3).  Yearly, since 2010, the University was consistently recognized
              by the  Philippine Regulations  Commission (PRC)  as Top  Performing  School  in Criminology  for
              the  excellent  performance  of  the  series of  batches of  BS Criminology  graduates.  Individual
              topnotchers were also produced from various fields—Forestry, Midwifery, Education, Criminology,
              and Agriculture.
                     However, it must be noted, to seriously consider, that the University fell short in attaining
              targets for Licensure Examination in these two recent consecutive years—2017 and 2018 (As of

          Figure 2- Enrolment and Graduates Trend in milestone   Figure 3 - IFSU  Passing Rate vis-à-vis  National
          years since 2003                                    Passing Rate (NPR)

                                       Table 2- Batches of Criminology Graduates that
                                       Made IFSU a Top Performing School in Criminology

                                >2009               2010-2013               2014-2017

                                                 Batch 2010: Top 2        Batch 2014: Top 2
                                                 Batch 2011: Top 3        Batch 2015: Top 4
                           Batch 2008: Top 2
                                                 Batch 2012: Top 3        Batch 2016: Top 4
                                                 Batch 2013: Top 2        Batch 2017: Top 5

                     Moreover,  28 undergraduate  programs  representing  57% of  the  total  programs  were
              awarded with Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) by the Commission in Higher Education
              (CHED) as of  March 2018.
                     Curricular programs of the University had undergone accreditation by the Accrediting
              Agency for   Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) and now has 96%
              (22 out of 23) of “accreditable” undergraduate programs are accredited. There are now more
              Level 2 programs ready to be  subjected for Level 3 while few Level 3 programs are ready for
              Level 4.

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