P. 13


               •  The  International  Relations  Office  was  also  strengthened  to  serve  foreign  clienteles  and
               stakeholders.   There  are  23 foreign  students  enrolled in  the  University offshore  and  onshore

               • Library services focused on automating its services by installing information systems, cataloguing
               and tracking of library resources;

               • Infrastructure  projects  for  students  were  built and/or  rehabilitated and increased funds
               for  non-infrastructure  projects  to  improve  internet  connectivity  and  ICT  services.  Significant
               infrastructure and facilities for students were built/or rehabilitated and put in place ICT services
               and a number of systems/processes are also being automated to speed up service delivery and
               improve services to the clienteles;

               • Improved ICT learning facilities, automation of processes such as establishment of the University
               MIS, online Employees Profiling System, Grade viewing system, and the CODETE/CAE Learning
               Management System.

                                Table 4 - Faculty Profile by Academic Rank

                                ISCAF                                         IFSU
                         >2003   2003   2009    2010   2011   2012    2013   2014   2015*   2016   2017   2018**
            Instructor     24     39     47      53     53     53      77     63     33      85     114     74

            Assist. Prof   43     49     45      42     43     47      43     57     67      63     64      69

            Asso. Prof     28     27     34      32     34     34      23     29     40      37     38      63

            Professor      5      5      16      14     23     16      15     17     18      17     17      27
            University     0      0       0      0       0      1      1       1      1      1       1      1
           Grand Total    100    120     142    141     153    151    161     167    159    203     234    234

                         NBC 461 6th Cycle Implemented       **NBC 461 7th Cycle Evaluation Result

               General Administration and Support Services (GASS)

               • Total fund sourced-out from partners increased by  51% for the past four years;

               • Complied to Good Governance Conditions requirements: Updating of the Transparency Seal,
               PhilGEPS Posting, Citizen’s Charter,  Cash Advance Liquidation, and SALN, including the posting
               of the FOI Manual, and QMS documentations;

               • Diligently submitted accountability reports to DBM and COA;

               • Consistently achieved targets for budget utilization but not 100%, hence, had low absorptive

               • The institution attained SUC Level III in 2007 from being Level I in 1997;

               • Transformed into  a University in November 2009;

               •  Operationalized  the  satellite  campuses in  Aguinaldo  and  Hungduan,  Ifugao  (Aguinaldo
               Campus; Hapao Campus) in 2015;

                                                          IFUGAO STATE UNIVERSITY | 8-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN | 13
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18