P. 103
GTB Cote
D’Ivoire 9.514
GTB UK 1,132 268 702 6.,477 1.000 - 1,200 4,600 650
Limited 37.594
Transactions with key management personnel
The Bank’s key management personnel, and persons connected with them, are also considered to be related parties.
The definition of key management includes the close members of family of key personnel and any entity over which
key management exercise control. The key management personnel have been identified as the executive and non-
executive directors of the Bank. Close members of family are those family members who may be expected to
influence, or be influenced by that individual in their dealings with
Guaranty Trust Bank (Gambia) Limited.
Management Exposures
Dec.-2021 Dec.-2020
Management Housing Loans 6,343 9,119
Staff Exposures
Dec.-2021 Dec.-2020
Staff car loans 5,453 4,528
Staff personal loans 12,955 3,279
Risk assets outstanding 31 December 2021
During the year, the Bank granted various credit facilities to companies whose directors are also directors of Guaranty
Trust Bank (Gambia) Limited at rates and terms comparable to other facilities in the Bank's portfolio. There was no
outstanding on these facilities at the end of the year. The status of performance of each facility is as shown below:
Facility type Dec.- Dec.-
Name Relationship Status of Security 2021 2020
Sola David Mahoney
Director - - - - -
Director related Deposit liabilities
Name Relationship Facility type
Dec.-2021 Dec.-2020
Sola David Mahoney
Director Related Demand Deposits 84 271
Benjamin Carr Director Related Demand Deposits 248 431
31. Events after reporting date
There are no events after the reporting date that require disclosure in these financial statements (2020;
Annual Report 2021
32. Compliance with banking regulations
The Bank largely complied with most banking regulations and provisions during the year. Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited 103