P. 101

was recognized on treasury bills in 2021 and the          to  IFRS  and  The  Central  Bank  of  Gambia
        closing balance as at 31  December 2021 is nil.           guidelines. A total of D4, 787,000 was transferred
                                                                  from the Credit Risk Reserve after comparing the
        Credit risk reserve                                       IFRS 9 provision to the CBG prudential provision.
                                                                  The  closing  balance  in  the  credit  risk  reserve  is
        The  credit  risk  reserve  represents  the  difference   D42, 023,000.
        between the allowance for impairment according
        Credit risk reserve reconciliation

          In thousands of Gambian Dalasi                         Dec.-2021                   Dec.-2020
          Provision per prudential guideline                          53,740                  68,936

          Loan impairment per IFRS                                     58,527                 73,037

          Opening balance                                            46,810                   50,911

           CRR adjustment                                               (4,787)                      (4,101)

           Closing Balance                                           42,023                   46,810

        Retained earnings                                         facilities are offset by corresponding obligations of
                                                                  third   parties.   Contingent   liabilities   and
        Retained  earnings  are  the  carried  forward  recognised   commitments    comprise      acceptances,
        income  net  of  expenses  plus  current  year  profit    endorsements, guarantees and letters of credit.
        attributable to shareholders.

        29. Contingents

        Claims and litigation                                     Nature of instruments

        The  Bank,  in  its  ordinary  course  of  business,  is   An acceptance is an undertaking by a bank to pay
        presently  involved  in  3  cases  as  a  plaintiff,  11   a bill of exchange drawn on a customer. The Bank
        cases as defendant and 1 appeal case. The total           expects  most  acceptances  to  be  presented,  but
        amount  claimed  in  the  3  cases  instituted  by  the   reimbursement  by  the  customer  is  normally
        Bank  is  D21,  445,000  whilst  a  refund  of  GMD8,     immediate. Endorsements are residual liabilities of
        171,252.00  is  sought  by  the  Bank  in  the  matter    the  Bank  in  respect  of  bills  of  exchange,  which
        subject of an appeal. The amount claimed for in           have  been  paid  and  subsequently  rediscounted.
        the 11 cases against the Bank is D33, 134,477.00.         Guarantees  and  letters  of  credit  are  given  as
                                                                  security to support the performance of a customer
        Based on the advice of the solicitors, the Directors      to third parties. As the Bank will only be required to
        are of the opinion that none of the aforementioned        meet  these  obligations  in  the  event  of  the
        cases is likely to have a material adverse effect on      customer’s default, the cash requirements of these
        the  Bank  and  they  are  not  aware  of  any  other     instruments are expected to be considerably below
        pending  and  or  threatened  claims  or  litigation      their nominal amounts.
        which may be material to the financial statements.
                                                                  Other  contingent  liabilities  include  transaction
                                                                  related customs and performances bond and are,
        Contingent liabilities and commitments                    generally, commitments to third parties which are
                                                                  not  directly  dependent  on  the  customer’s
        In common with other banks, the Bank conducts             creditworthiness. Documentary credits commit the
     Annual Report 2021
        business  involving  acceptances,  performance            Bank  to  make  payments  to  third  parties,  are  on
        bonds  and  indemnities.  The  majority  of  these        production   of   documents,   which   usually

                                     Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited            101
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105