Page 41 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
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pessimistic outcomes. The Bank has identified      may  be  except  there  is  a  reasonable  and
               and documented key drivers of credit risk and      supportable evidence available without undue
               credit  losses  for  each  portfolio  of  financial   cost to rebut the presumption.
               instruments and, using an analysis of historical
               data,  has  estimated  relationships  between      Definition  of  Default  and  Credit  Impaired
               macro-economic  variables,  credit  risk  and      Financial Assets
               credit losses.                                     At  each  reporting  date,  the  Bank  assesses
                                                                  whether  financial  assets  carried  at  amortised
               Assessment of significant increase in credit       cost and debt financial assets carried at FVOCI
               risk (SICR)                                        are credit-impaired. A financial asset is ‘credit-
               At  each  reporting  date,  the  Bank  assesses    impaired’ when one or more events that have a
               whether there has been a significant increase      detrimental  impact  on  the  estimated  future
               in  credit  risk  for  exposures  since  initial   cash flows of the financial asset have occurred.
               recognition  by  comparing  the  risk  of  default   Evidence  that  a  financial  asset  is  credit-
               occurring over the remaining expected life from    impaired  includes  the  following  observable
               the  reporting  date  and  the  date  of  initial   data:
               recognition.   The   assessment   considers
               borrower-specific  quantitative  and  qualitative         Significant  financial  difficulty  of  the
               information without consideration of collateral,          borrower or issuer;
               and    the   impact    of   forward-looking               A breach of contract such as a default
               macroeconomic     factors.   The   common                 or past due event;
               assessments for SICR on retail and non-retail             The  lender(s)  of  the  borrower,  for
               portfolios  include  macroeconomic  outlook,              economic  or  contractual  reasons
               management judgement, and delinquency and                 relating  to  the  borrower’s  financial
               monitoring.  Forward  looking  macroeconomic              difficulty,  having  granted  to  the
               factors  are  a  key  component  of  the                  borrower  a  concession(s)  that  the
               macroeconomic outlook. The importance and                 lender(s)   would   not   otherwise
               relevance  of  each  specific  macroeconomic              consider;
               factor  depends  on  the  type  of  product,              It  is  becoming  probable  that  the
               characteristics of the financial instruments and          borrower will enter bankruptcy or other
               the borrower and the geographical region.                 financial reorganisation; or
                                                                         The disappearance of an active market
               The  Bank  adopts  a  multi  factor  approach  in         for  a  security  because  of  financial
               assessing  changes  in  credit  risk.  This               difficulties.
               approach  considers:  Quantitative  (primary),            The  purchase  or  origination  of  a
               Qualitative  (secondary)  and  Back  stop                 financial asset at a deep discount that
               indicators  which  are  critical  in  allocating          reflects the incurred credit losses.
               financial assets into stages.                             Others  include  death,  insolvency,
                                                                         breach of covenants, etc.
               The quantitative models consider deterioration
               in  the  credit  rating  of  obligor/counterparty   A  loan  that  has  been  renegotiated  due  to
               based  on  the  Bank’s  internal  rating  system   deterioration  in  the  borrower’s  condition  is
               while  qualitative  factors  consider  information   usually considered to be credit-impaired unless
               such  as  expected  forbearance,  restructuring,   there is evidence that the risk of not receiving
               exposure  classification  by  licensed  credit     contractual   cash   flows   has   reduced
               bureau, etc.                                       significantly and there are no other indicators
                                                                  of impairment. In addition, loans that are more
               A backstop is typically used to ensure that in     than  90  days  past  due  are  considered
               the  (unlikely)  event  that  the  primary         impaired.
               (quantitative)  indicators  do  not  change  and
               there  is  no  trigger  from  the  secondary       In  making  an  assessment  of  whether  an
               (qualitative)  indicators,  an  account  that  has   investment in sovereign debt is credit-impaired,
               breached  the  30  days  past  due  criteria  for   the Bank considers the following factors:
               SICR and 90 days past due criteria for default            The    market’s   assessment    of
               is transferred to stage 2 or stage 3 as the case
                                                                         creditworthiness  as  reflected  in  the    Annual Report 2020

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