Page 43 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
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practices, including an effective system of internal   give all stakeholders confidence in the resulting
               control,  to  determine  adequate  expected  credit   financial information.
               loss (ECL) allowances in accordance with IFRS 9
               as well as the Bank’s stated policies and relevant   The  Bank’s  Core  Banking  Application  (BANKS)
               supervisory guidance.                              and the Credit Risk Management rating system
                                                                  are the key pillars of the IFRS 9 model. For the
               Guaranty Trust Bank has instituted an effective    purpose  of  estimating  expected  credit  loss  as
               governance  and  control  framework  around  the   prescribed  by  the  standard,  the  Bank  has
               IFRS 9 processes to ensure: that data integrity    designed an ECL framework that generates data
               and  availability  is  upheld,  expert  judgement  is   from the banking system which is processed by
               adopted  in  the  design  of  the  ECL  models  and   the  Credit  Risk  Management  and  Financial
               finally  the  IFRS  9  processes  are  automated  to   Control  Unit  and  transformed  into  IFRS  9
                                                                  compliant figures.

               In order to maintain a strong internal control around the IFRS 9 system, the table below details the entire
               process regarding the IFRS 9 process and the various responsibilities.

                S/N  Stakeholders               Task               Responsibilities
                1.    Account Officers          Gather information   •  Obtain  qualitative  information  on  the
                                                on prospective        prospective  borrower  through  one  on  one
                                                borrowers             interviews,  on-site  visitations,  credit  bureau
                                                                      checks, industry report etc.
                                                                   •  Obtain   quantitative   information   (from
                                                                      financial  statement)  and  loan  application
                                                                      documentation   from   the   prospective
                                                                   •  Review  risks  inherent  in  the  customer’s
                                                                      business/industry  based  on  the  information
                                                                   •  If satisfactory, initiate customers’ application
                                                                      on and determine customers’ credit rating
                2.    Relationship Manager      Review             •  Review the financial and non-financial data
                                                                      and  other  attached  documentation  for
                                                                      accuracy and completeness
                                                                   •  Ensure that the purpose of the borrowing is
                                                                      permissible under the Bank’s lending policy
                                                                      and in line with the CBG credit guidelines.
                3.    Approving Authorities     Approve            •  Review  credit  proposal  for  accuracy  and
                             •   Group Head                        •  Approve the facility if within limit, otherwise
                             •   Divisional                           shall recommend to the next higher lending
                                 Head                                 authority
                             •   ED/MD
                             •   Management
                             •   Board  Credit
                4.    Legal Department          Review              •   Ensure loan agreement documentation are
                                                documentation          properly  executed  by  the  prospective
                                                                    •   Review   collateral   documentation   for
                                                                       accuracy and completeness                     Annual Report 2020

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