P. 125

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                                          How do you think that mother guessed
                                           Which of them really loved her best?

                                                                                             --Joy Allison*

                 Maintain Integrity

                 Ancient wisdom says, "Anything that is bought or sold has no value unless it contains the
                 secret, priceless ingredient-that, what cannot be traded." What is it? The secret, priceless
                 ingredient of every product is the credibility, the honor and integrity of the one who makes
                 it. It is not so secret but it is priceless.

                 Here is Another Side to Integrity--Questionable

                 Three executives were fighting over who would pay the bill for lunch. One said, "I will pay,
                 I can get a tax deduction." The other said, "Let me have it, I will get reimbursement from
                 my company." The third said, "Let me pay, because I am filing for bankruptcy next week."

                 Step 20: Practice Humility

                 Confidence without humility is arrogance. Humility is the foundation of all virtues. It is a
                 sign of greatness. Sincere humility attracts but false humility detracts.

                 *  In  The  Book  of  Virtues,  edited  by William  J.  Bennett,  Simon  & Schuster,  New  York,
                 1993, p. 204.

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