P. 128

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Many brilliant and talented people have destroyed their own success because they lack
                 courtesy and manners. Politeness and courtesy are signs of being cultured. Rudeness
                 and discourtesy show the lack of it. Treat other people with respect and dignity.

                                     Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.
                                                                                              --Eric Hoffer

                 Step 23: Develop a Sense of Humor

                 Have a sense of humor and you will possess the ability to laugh at yourself. A sense of
                 humor makes a person likable and attractive. Some people are humor-impaired. Learn to
                 laugh  at  yourself  because  it  is  the  safest  humor.  Laughing  at  yourself  gives  you  the
                 energy to bounce back. Laughter is a natural tranquilizer for people all over the world.
                 Humor may not change the message, but it certainly can help to take the sting out of the


                 Dr.  Norman  Cousins,  author  of  Anatomy  of  an  Illness,  is  a  prime  example  of  how  a
                 person can cure himself of a terminal illness. He had a 1-in-500 chance of recovery, but
                 Cousin wanted to prove that if there was anything like mind over matter, he'd make it a
                 reality. He figured if negative emotions caused negative chemicals in our body, then the
                 reverse  must  be  true  too.  Positive  emotions,  like  happiness  and  laughter,  would  bring
                 positive  chemicals into our  system.  He  moved  from  the  hospital  to a  hotel  and  rented
                 humorous  movies  and  literally  cured  himself  by  laughing.  Of  course,  medical  help  is
                 important, but the will to live for the patient is equally, if not more, important.
                 A funny bone could be a lifesaver. Besides, it makes life's adversities easier to handle.

                 Step 24: Don't Be Sarcastic and Put Others Down

                 Negative  people's  humor  may  include  sarcasm,  putdowns  and  hurtful  remarks.  Any
                 humor involving sarcasm that makes fun of others is in poor taste. An injury is forgiven
                 more easily than an insult.

                   When someone blushes with embarrassment, when someone carries away an ache,
                     when something sacred is made to appear common, when someone's weakness
                 provides the laughter, when profanity is required to make it funny, when a child is brought
                            to tears or when everyone can't join in the laughter, it's a poor joke.

                                                                                            --Cliff Thomas

                 To a sadist everything is funny, so long as it is happening to someone else. It is not an
                 uncommon  sight  to see  boys  throwing stones  at frogs  just  to  have fun. The  boys'  fun
                 means death to the frogs. It is not fun for the frogs.
                 Humor  can  be  valuable  or  dangerous,  depending  on  whether  you  are  laughing  with
                 someone or at someone. When humor involves making fun of or ridiculing others, it is not
                 in good taste nor is it innocent. Hurting others' feelings can be cruel. Some people get

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