P. 120

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Think of your most precious possessions. What makes them special? In most cases, the
                 gift is less significant than the giver. Seldom are  we grateful for the things we already
                 Think back and try to recall the people who had a positive influence on your life. Your
                 parents, teachers, anyone who spent extra time to help you. Perhaps it appears that they
                 just did their job. Not really. They willingly sacrificed their time, effort, money and many
                 other things for you. They did it out of love and not for your thankfulness. At some point,
                 a person realizes the effort that went in to help them shape their future. Perhaps it is not
                 too late to thank them. And it is time to reciprocate. Love requires sacrifice.

                 The Story of Christ

                 As the story goes, once Christ healed ten lepers and when he turned back they were all
                 gone except one who had the courtesy to thank Christ. Christ said, "I didn't do a  thing."
                 What is the moral of the story?

                 1. Human beings are ungrateful.
                 2. A grateful person is the exceptional person.
                 3. Christ literally gave them a new life and said, "I didn't do a thing."
                 4. Like Christ we should not expect gratitude.

                 How  does  this  translate  in  our  behavior  and  personality?  We  feed  or  give  shelter  to
                 someone for a few days and say "Look what I did for the other person." We blow our
                 giving out of proportion in our own mind. It is not uncommon to hear people saying, "If it
                 wasn't for me, this person would be on the street." What an ego!

                 By the Way

                 When people ask others to do something for them by using the phrase "By the way, can
                 you do this for me?" they undermine the importance of doing or not doing. I have found
                 that if we have to do anything for anyone it is never "by the way," it is always "out of the
                 This  does  not  amount  to  doing  favors  from  the  doer's  perspective.  If  one  doesn't  do
                 things that can be done to help another person, then it is sad. But I am convinced that
                 there is no such thing as "By the way," it is always "out of the way" and it is worth it.

                 Step 17: Be Dependable and Practice Loyalty

                 The  old  adage,  "an  ounce  of  loyalty  is  worth  more  than  a  pound  of  cleverness,"  is
                 universal and eternal.
                 Ability is important but dependability is crucial. If you have someone with all the ability but
                 if he is not dependable, do you want him as part of your team? No, not at all.

                 I KNEW YOU WOULD COME

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