P. 119

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Refrain from indulging in gossip. Remember, small talk comes out of big mouths.

                 Step 15: Turn Your Promises into Commitments

                 What is the difference between a promise and a commitment? A promise is a statement
                 of intent. A commitment is a promise that is going to be kept no matter what. In the no
                 matter what, I exclude illegal and immoral things. Commitment comes out of character
                 and leads to conviction.
                 Can you imagine what kind of a world it would be if no one made a commitment to one
                 another? What would happen to relationships between

                 ♦  spouses?
                 ♦  employers and employees?
                 ♦  parents and children?
                 ♦  students and teachers?
                 ♦  buyers and sellers?

                 Uncommitted  relationships  are  pretty  shallow  and  hollow.  They  are  a  matter  of
                 convenience  and  are  temporary.  Nothing  lasting  has  ever  been  created  without
                 Commitment says, "I am predictable in the unpredictable future."
                 Many people confuse commitment with confinement. That really is not true. Commitment
                 does not take away freedom; it actually gives more freedom because it gives a sense of
                 The  most  important  commitment  we  ever  make  is  to  our  values.  That  is  why  it  is
                 imperative to have the right value system. For example, if I committed myself to support a
                 leader who later becomes a drug dealer, do I continue my commitment? Not at all.

                 Commitment leads to enduring relationships through thick and thin. It shows in a person's
                 personality and relationships.

                 Step 16: Be Grateful But Do Not Expect Gratitude

                 Gratitude is a beautiful word. We must be thankful. Gratitude is a feeling. It improves our
                 personality  and  builds  character.  Gratitude  develops  out  of  humility.  It  is  a  feeling  of
                 thankfulness  toward  others.  It  is  conveyed  through  our  attitude  towards  others  and
                 reflects  in  our  behavior.  Gratitude  does  not  mean  reciprocating  good  deeds  because
                 gratitude is not give and take. A good deed cannot be canceled by a counter act. Things
                 such as kindness, understanding, and patience cannot be repaid. What does gratitude
                 teach us? It really teaches us the art of cooperation and understanding. Gratitude must
                 be sincere. A simple thank-you can be gracious. Many times we forget to be thankful to
                 the people closest to us, such as our spouse, our relatives, our friends. Gratitude would
                 rank among the top qualities that form the character and personality of an individual with
                 integrity. Ego stands in the way of showing gratitude. A gracious attitude changes  our
                 outlook in life. With gratitude and humility, right actions come naturally.
                 Gratitude ought to be a way of life, something which we cannot give enough of. It can
                 mean a smile, or a thank you, or a gesture of appreciation.

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