P. 177

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 reality it is the tougher way. Could you face yourself if you didn't do the right thing for
                 your client? Could you brag to your kids and be proud and feel good? If you can't, then
                 that behavior is unethical.
                 A sense of humor and pride in oneself keep a person on course.


                 Why  don't  people  achieve  excellence?  The  big  reason  is  the  lack  of  vision  or  limited
                 vision. We need to dream beyond what is possible. Everything that we see today was a
                 dream  before  it  became  reality.  Live  with  enthusiasm,  direction  and  with  a  sense  of
                 purpose. Do you have a dream? What is your dream? Every day that you live, are you
                 getting  closer  to  your  purpose?  Get  your  advice  from  successful  people  and  not  from
                 living failures who will tell you how to succeed.

                                      Where the vision is one year, cultivate flowers.
                                       Where the vision is ten years, cultivate trees.
                                       Where the vision is eternity, cultivate people.

                                                                                           Oriental saying

                 Remember, winners don't do different things, they do things differently!

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