P. 175

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 4. Drugs
                 5. Fear of violent death, murder, guns, and knives in school

                             Try not to be a man of success but rather try to be a man of value.

                                                                                          --Albert Einstein
                 * smoking Choices by Peter Kreeft, pp. 1Ä2.


                 Values such as responsibility, integrity, commitment, and patriotism are considered old
                 by some. These may be old values but they are certainly not obsolete. They have stood
                 the test of time and will be here forever. These values have the same meaning in New
                 York as in New Delhi or New Zealand. They are universal. I don't know of any time or
                 culture in history which does not respect these values.

                 VALUES ARE AT AN ALL-TIME LOW

                 In  any  society,  basic  immorality  and  injustice  lead  to  despair.  The  greedy  and
                 inconsiderate  who  seek  immoral  pleasures  must  be  stopped  by  those  committed  with
                 values. We have strayed in the process of change.
                 Any society that has lost its moral bearing is heading for disaster because all failures in
                 history have been moral failures.
                 More  than  half  a  century  ago,  America  was  in  the  middle  of  a  wrenching  depression.
                 One-third of our nation's wealth vanished in a matter of months. Manufacturing declined
                 77%.  One-fourth  of  the  labor  force  was  left  idle.  Many  cities  could  not  afford  to  keep
                 schools  open.  Twenty percent of  New  York schoolchildren  were  malnourished. At  one
                 point, 34 million men, women, and children were without any income at all.
                 Yet  in  the  depths  of  that  hardship,  with  its  soup  kitchens,  bank  closings,  and  hunger,
                 Franklin Roosevelt could tell the nation in a radio address, "Our difficulties, thank God,
                 concern only material things."*

                 WHAT IS GOODNESS?

                 If we took  a survey,  asking  people  one question, "Are  you  good?"  most  people  would
                 respond, "Yes!" Ask them, "What makes you good?" Responses will be:

                 ♦  I don't cheat so I'm good.
                 ♦  I don't lie so that makes me good.
                 ♦  I don't steal, so I'm good.

                 If you analyze the above rationales, there is not much substance in them. Just think of
                 the person who says, "I don't cheat." Well, that only means that he is not a cheat. And the
                 persons who say they don't lie and steal, only mean that they are not liars and thieves.
                 But that doesn't make them good. A person becomes good when he actually does good
                 rather than not doing wrong. A person of values would be one who has qualities such as
                 fairness, compassion, courage, integrity,  empathy, humility, loyalty and courtesy. What

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