P. 171

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 LIVING WITH A PURPOSE

                 All of us are put on this planet for a purpose. We are part of a big picture. But very few
                 people discover their purpose in life. Most of us just exist and keep counting our days
                 rather than making our days count.
                 Dr. Albert Einstein was once asked, "Why are we here?" He replied, "If the universe is an
                 accident, we are accidents. But if there is meaning in the universe, there is meaning in us
                 also."  And  he  added,  "The  more  I  study  physics,  the  more  I  am  drawn  towards

                   I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that
                                                    would ultimately fail.

                                                                                       --Wood row Wilson


                 I  recently  read  the  story  of  a  high-school    values  clarification  class  conducted  by  a
                 teacher in Teaneck, New Jersey. A girl in the class had found a purse containing $1,000
                 and returned it to its owner. The teacher asked for the class's reaction. Every single one
                 of  her  fellow  students  concluded  the  girl  had  been  foolish.  Most  of  the  students
                 contended that  if  someone  was careless, they  should be  punished. When the  teacher
                 was  asked  what  he  said  to  the  students,  he  responded,  "Well,  of  course,  I  didn't  say
                 anything. If I come from the position of what is right and what is wrong, then I'm not their
                 counselor. I can't impose my
                 If we do not learn values from our parents and teachers, who do we learn them from?
                 And  when  they don't teach  us  values,  we  pick them  up  by  default from  television and
                 other such undesirable sources. No wonder society gets messed up. The teacher such
                 as  in  the  example  above  is  not  only  irresponsible  with  distorted  values  but  does  not
                 deserve to be teaching our kids.


                 What is the difference between winning and being a winner? Winning is an event. Being
                 a  winner  is  a  spirit.  Winners  have  kept  winning  in  perspective  based  on  their  value


                 1. Olympics is a lifetime event. Lawrence Lemieux stopped racing in a yacht race to help
                    a fellow competitor who was in trouble. The whole world was watching. His priority of
                    safety for other people's lives was greater than his desire to win. Even though he did
                    not win the race, he was a winner. He was honored by kings and queens all over the
                    world because he kept the spirit of the Olympics alive.
                 2.  I  heard  the  story  about  Reuben  Gonzales  when  he  was  in  the  final  match  of  the
                    racquetball tournament. This was an important event and he was playing for the world
                    title. In the final game at match point, Gonzales played a super shot to save point. The
                    referee and the linesman both confirmed that the shot was good and he was declared
                    the winner.

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