P. 169

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 ETHICS AND LEGALITY

                 Most will agree that legality and ethics are not the same thing. What may be ethical may
                 or may not be legal and vice versa.
                 For example:

                 1.  An  insurance  salesperson  more  concerned  with  getting  a  larger  commission  as
                    opposed  to  selling  the  most  suitable  policy  sells  the  wrong  kind  of  policy  to  a
                    prospective client. This may be legal but unethical.
                 2. A young executive is driving over the speed limit, trying to reach the hospital with his
                    bleeding child in the back seat of his car. Hardly anyone would question the ethics of
                    breaking the law in this situation. It would be unethical not to get medical help to save
                    the kid's life, even if it meant breaking the law.

                 Legality  establishes  minimum  standards,  whereas  ethics  and  values  go  beyond  those
                 standards. Ethics and values are about fairness and justice. It is not about pleasing or
                 displeasing people. It is about respecting people's needs and rights.

                 PURPOSE OF LIFE

                 There are many kinds of desire. Desire for success, desire to do one's duty even at the
                 cost of pleasure. Desire for purpose. Something worth dying for which gives meaning to
                 What good is it if you gain the whole world and lose your conscience?
                 A purposeless life is a living death. What is your purpose? Do you have one? Purpose
                 brings  passion.  Find  or  create  a  purpose  and  then  pursue  it  with  passion  and
                 Every day we need to ask ourselves the question: "Am I getting any closer to my purpose
                 in  life?  Am  I  making  this  a  better  place  to  live?"  If  the  answer  is  no,  then  I  have  just
                 wasted a day of my life. Life will reward us in proportion to our contribution.
                 The earlier we find a purpose in life, the better it is. It appears that the greatest challenge
                 comes in the unending search for the purpose of life. Not only as an individual but for our
                 families,  organizations  and  country.  Once  our  purpose  and  values  are  clear,  conflicts
                 between  self-interest  and  social obligations  find  a moral balance between  themselves.
                 We become aware of when to take a stand. That is the time we start making the right
                 decisions for long-term gain rather than making the wrong decisions for short-term gain.
                 Wisdom and maturity lead to greater understanding of major issues.

                          Study as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

                                                                                        --Mahatma Gandhi

                                     We cannot help ourselves without helping others.
                                    We cannot enrich our lives without enriching others.
                                  We cannot prosper without bringing prosperity to others.

                                                                         --Nanette Cole, Spellman College

                 Janette  Cole  once  said,  "Show  me  a  person  who  is  content  with  mediocrity  and  I  will
                 show you a person destined for failure." Life is not a spectator sport. We cannot sit back

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