P. 166

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 ♦  Guilt
                 ♦  Unfulfilled life
                 ♦  Loss of business
                 ♦  Isolation
                 ♦  Depression

                 Make a commitment and stay committed!


                 Bad  circumstances  are  not  excuses  for  making  bad  choices  and  leading  poor  lives.
                 Values and ethics are not just designed for good times, but also to prevent bad times.
                 They are like the laws of the land which you need when people are good and you need
                 even more to protect them from the bad.
                 Most choices are not ethical choices. For example, what clothes to buy or what TV to get
                 are personal choices based on what is more appropriate. They are not ethical choices.
                 For  some  people  the  right  choice  may  be  Panasonic  instead  of  Sony  for  affordability.
                 Personal  choices  are  subjective,  not  objective,  and  even  though  these  are  not  ethical
                 issues  they  certainly  involve  responsibility.  Ethical  choices  reflect  objectivity  between
                 right and wrong.
                 That is why our conscience hurts when making an unethical choice and does not hurt
                 when making a wrong personal choice. Choices are personal because the person makes
                 it, but the rightness or wrongness does not change from person to person.
                 Just like in a math test, who takes it and what answer they give varies from person to
                 person, but  what makes it right is not the choice, but the independence of the correct
                 answer. Of course, ethical choices are not always like making choices in math, just like
                 being a nice person is not the same thing as being a good and ethical person.
                 A  person  could  be  socially  nice  yet  be  a  cheat  and  a  liar.  That  makes  him  nice  yet
                 unethical. Niceness reflects social acceptability. Nice does not mean good.
                 In fact, most of our choices today are based on:

                 1. Our desire for convenience, comfort, and pleasure.
                 2. Our feeling--do what feels good, it is good for you. The criteria is to feel good rather
                    than doing what is responsible.
                 3. Social fads and ads--everyone else is doing it, so should I.

                 It is a common belief that ethics and ethical choices are confusing. The big question is to
                 who? Only to those with unclear values.

                 SITUATIONAL ETHICS

                 Those who believe that ethics cannot be generalized but vary with every situation, come
                 up with justification and keep changing their ethics from situation to situation, and person
                 to  person.  This  is  called  situational  ethics.  This  is  ethics  of  conveniences  rather  than


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