P. 162

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 What  difference  are  we  making? Big or  small,  it  does  not  matter. If everyone  made  a
                 small difference, we'd end up with a big difference, wouldn't we?

                 IS YOUR LIFE WORTH SAVING?

                 A boy was drowning in a river and he shouted for help. A man passing by jumped in the
                 river and saved the boy's life. As the man was leaving the boy said, Thank-you.'' The
                 man asked, "For what?" The boy replied, "For saving my life." The man looked into the
                 boy's  eyes  and  said,  Upon,  make  sure  when  you  grow  up  that  your  life  was  worth

                 It is time to think. This is a wake-up call.
                 Success  without  fulfillment  is  meaningless.  Unless  there  is  a  sense  of  meaning  and
                 purpose, life is empty and unhappy regardless of how much prestige, money or degrees
                 a person has.
                 Success  begins  with  developing  your  personal  success  philosophy,  about  your  health,
                 money, family, society and values. Without a clearly defined purpose and a philosophy to
                 guide you, life is guided by fantasies. If people have not defined a philosophy of success,
                 they have actually defined a philosophy of failure by default.
                 Sometimes we overlook the things that ought not to be overlooked and don't overlook the
                 things that ought to be overlooked.
                 An integral part of a good value system is commitment.


                 When  our  value  system  is  clear  it  becomes  a  lot  easier  to  make  decisions  and
                 Example: You can't make a commitment to your country by selling secrets to the enemy.
                 You can't keep a friend by revealing to others what he told you in confidence. You can't
                 keep a commitment to a job by trying to do as little as possible.
                 Unkept  commitments  result  in  dishonest  behavior.  I  wonder  how  any  relationship,
                 regardless of whether personal or professional, would work if people said something to
                 the effect.

                 ♦  I will try but I can't commit.
                 ♦  I will do it but don't count on me.
                 ♦  I will be there if I can, but don't get your hopes up.
                 ♦  I will be there, so long as you do well.
                 ♦  I will be there so long as you are in good health.
                 ♦  I will stick with you till I find something better.

                 If  the  following  relationships  cannot  count  and  depend  on  one  another,  I  wonder  how
                 anything would ever work in this world.

                 Parent / child                                  Husband / wife
                 Student / teacher                               Customer / salesman
                 Employer / employee                             Friend / friend

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