P. 163

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 The uncertainty could lead to insanity. Our strongest relationships are tied together with
                 the invisible something called commitment. Today, breaking a promise is considered no
                 big deal. All relationships go sour without commitment.
                 Lack of commitment would destabilize relationships and lead to insecurity. No one would
                 know where they stand with each other.

                 Commitment implies:

                 1. Dependability
                 2. Reliability
                 3. Predictability
                 4. Consistency
                 5. Caring
                 6. Empathy
                 7. A sense of duty
                 8. Sincerity
                 9. Character
                 10. Integrity
                 11. Loyalty

                 If one of these ingredients is missing, commitment loses strength.
                 When a person makes a commitment to someone, he is really saying, "You can count on
                 me no matter what," and "I will be there when you need me."
                 Unconditional commitment says, "My behavior is predictable in an unpredictable future."
                 What makes the future unpredictable?

                 ♦  Changes in your life and circumstances.
                 ♦  Changes in my life and circumstances.
                 ♦  Changes in the external conditions.

                 Regardless of the uncertainty, commitment says "You can count on me." A person who
                 makes a commitment is willing to give up a lot. For what? The answer is pretty clear. The
                 rewards can be priceless.
                 Commitment says:

                 1.   I am willing to sacrifice because I care.
                 2.  I am a person of integrity and you can trust me.
                 3.  I will not let you down.
                 4.  Despite pain, I will still be there.
                 5.  I will not let you down in good times or in bad times.

                 Commitment  is  not  like  a  legal  contract  which  is  enforceable.  Its  foundation  is  not  a
                 signed piece of paper but character, integrity, and empathy.
                 Commitment  does  not  mean  sticking  to  something  when  a  person  has  no  choice.  It
                 means sticking in spite of choices. Without the above ingredients, no one would make a
                 serious long-lasting commitment to others.

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