P. 176

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 makes a person with these qualities good  person? It is because these are the kind of
                 people  who  are  dependable,  stand  up  for  justice,  help  the  needy,  make  life  better  for
                 themselves  and  those  around  them.  To  recognize  goodness  in  all  its  forms,  we  need
                 benchmarks and standards. Benchmarks can be ethical, or legal, or both. Ethical ones
                 deal with right and wrong and all the gray areas that are in between leading to what is
                 good and more good and what is bad and more bad.

                 *journal of the American Family Association, November / December 1991.


                 What would you do in the following situations?

                 1. You know the taxi fare from your home to the airport is $64. You have paid it before,
                    you know it is the correct fare. This time the taxi driver asks for $32. What would you
                 2. You are dining in a restaurant and you ordered four dishes and the waiter brought all
                    four but by mistake, billed you for only three. What would you do?
                 3. Your best friend is terminally ill and you are a life assurance salesman. They needed
                    $100,000 worth of insurance. No one knows and no one can find out that your friend is
                    dying. Would you write the policy?

                 You cannot legislate ethics. What advice would you give to your children under the same
                 circumstances? Is your behavior conforming with the advice you would give your children
                 in the same situation? We start learning ethics right after birth and all through our lives.
                 Can we change ethical behavior? Yes, we need ethical training.

                 WHAT AFFECTS ETHICS?

                 ♦  Greed
                 ♦  Fear
                 ♦  Pressure

                 Pressure to perform does not justify unethical acts. To be treated fairly is not the same
                 thing as being treated equally.

                 ETHICS IN BUSINESS

                 Ethics  or  lack  of  it  is  evident  in  every  profession.  Greedy  doctors  do  unnecessary
                 procedures  and  surgery.  Lawyers  bend  the  truth.  Parents  and  children  alike  tell  white
                 lies. Accountants and secretaries often falsify reports.
                 When we cheat the people around us, most of all we are cheating ourselves. We are
                 preparing  ourselves  to  be  cheated.  Prosperity  brings  responsibility.  We  cannot  build
                 industry and infrastructure while destroying the moral and social fiber.
                 The consequences of not following ethical behavior are the same as not following legal
                 behavior. Some people will never be ethical. They think they are taking the easy way. In

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