P. 62

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Luck Shines on the Deserving

                 Alexander  Graham  Bell  was  desperately  trying  to  invent  a  hearing  aid  for  his  partially
                 deaf wife. He failed at inventing a hearing aid but in the process discovered the principles
                 of  the  telephone.  You  wouldn't  call  someone  like  that  lucky,  would  you?Good  luck  is
                 when opportunity meets preparation. Without effort and preparation, lucky coincidences
                 don't happen.


                                                     He worked by day
                                                    And toiled by night.
                                                      He gave up play
                                                     And some delight.
                                                    Dry books he read,
                                                    New things to learn.
                                                    And forged ahead,
                                                     Success to earn.
                                                    He plodded on with
                                                      Faith and pluck;
                                                    And when he won,
                                                     Men called it luck.


                 19. Lack of Purpose

                 If we read stories of people who overcame serious disabilities, it becomes evident that
                 their burning desire to succeed was their driving force. They had a purpose in life. They
                 wanted to prove to themselves that they could do it in spite of all odds--and they did.
                 Desire is what made a paralytic Wilma Rudolph the fastest woman on the track at the
                 1960 Olympics, winning three gold medals.
                 According to Glen Cunningham, "Desire is what made a boy with burnt legs set the world
                 record in the one mile run."
                 A polio victim at the age of five started swimming to regain strength. It was because of
                 her desire to succeed that she went on to become a world record holder at three events
                 and won the gold at the 1956 Olympics at  Melbourne. Her name is Shelley Mann.

                 When people lack purpose and direction, they see no opportunity. If a person has the
                 desire to accomplish something, the direction to know his objective, the dedication to stay
                 focused, and the discipline required to put in the hard work, then other things come easy.
                 But if you don't have them, it doesn't matter what else you have.
                 Character is the foundation upon which all else is built. It endures.

                 20. Lack of Courage

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