P. 63

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Successful people are not  looking  for miracles or  easy  tasks. They  seek  courage  and
                 strength to overcome obstacles. They look at what is left rather than what is lost. Wishes
                 don't come true; beliefs and expectations supported by conviction do. Prayers are only
                 answered when they are supported with courageous action. It is courage and character
                 that is the deadly combination for success. This is the difference between the ordinary
                 and the extraordinary.
                 When  our  minds  are  filled  with  courage  we  forget  our  fears  and  overcome  obstacles.
                 Courage  is  not  absence  of  fear  but  the  overcoming  of  fear.  Character  (justice  and
                 integrity) without courage is ineffective, whereas courage without character is oppression.

                 A RECIPE FOR SUCCESS

                 Success is like baking a cake. Unless you have just the right recipe, it is not going to
                 work. The ingredients must be of the finest quality and in the right proportions. You can't
                 overtake  it  or  undercook  it.  Once  you  have  the  right  recipe  and  with  practice  and  the
                 occasional disaster, it becomes a lot easier.
                 What  is  the  difference  between  persistence  and  obstinacy?  The  difference  is  that
                 persistence represents a strong will and obstinacy represents a strong won't.
                 You have the recipe. To use it is your choice.


                 ♦  Play to win and not to lose.
                 ♦  Learn from other people's mistakes.
                 ♦  Associate with people of high moral character.
                 ♦  Give more than you get.
                 ♦  Don't look for something for nothing.
                 ♦  Always think long term.
                 ♦  Evaluate your strengths and build on them.
                 ♦  Always keep the larger picture in mind when making a decision.
                 ♦  Never compromise your integrity.

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