P. 67

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Inspiration is changing thinking; motivation is changing action.
                 Motivation is like fire unless you keep adding fuel to it, it dies. Just like exercise and food
                 don't last long, neither does motivation. However, if the source of motivation is belief in
                 inner values, it becomes long--lasting.
                 What is the greatest motivator? Is it money? Recognition? Improvement in our quality of
                 life? Acceptance by those we love? All these can be motivating forces.
                 Experience has shown that people will do a lot for money, more for a good leader, and do
                 most for a belief. We see this happening every day all over the world. People will die for a
                 belief. My objective is to share the fact that when we believe that we are responsible for
                 our lives and our behavior, our outlook toward life changes for the better.


                 The next logical question is, what is motivation? Motivation is something that encourages
                 action or feeling. To motivate means to encourage and inspire. Motivation can also mean
                 to turn on or ignite the feeling or action.
                 Motivation  is  powerful.  It  can  persuade,  convince  and  propel  you  into  action.  In  other
                 words,  motivation  can  be  defined  as  motive  for  action.  It  is  a  force  that  can  literally
                 change your life.
                 Why do we need to get motivated?
                 Motivation is the driving force in our lives. It comes from a desire to succeed. Without
                 success there is little pride in life; no enjoyment or excitement at work and at home. Often
                 life becomes like a lopsided wheel giving a bumpy ride.
                 The greatest enemy of motivation is complacence. Complacence leads to frustration, and
                 when people are frustrated they give up because they cannot identify what is important.

                 MOTIVATION--HOW DOES IT WORK?

                 Once  you  understand  the  principle  that  motivates  the  motivator,  you  can  proceed  to
                 achieve your goal and can motivate others too.
                 Your internal motivation is your drive and attitude. It is contagious. Attitude is the key to
                 getting  the  response  you  want  from  others.  How  does  a  person  stay  motivated  and
                 focused? One important tool that has been used by athletes for a long time is called auto-
                 suggestion.  Auto  suggestions  are  positive  statements  made  in  the  present  tense  and
                 repeated regularly. In other words it is positive self-talk.
                 Motivation is classified into two types: external and internal.

                 EXTERNAL MOTIVATION

                 External motivation comes from outside, such as money, societal approval, fame or fear.
                 Examples  of  external  motivation  are  fear  of  getting  spanked  by  parents  and  fear  of
                 getting fired at work.
                 A  company  wanted  to  set  up  a  pension  plan.  In  order  for  the  plan  to  be  installed,  it
                 needed 100% participation. Everyone signed up except John. The plan made sense and
                 was  in  the  best  interest  of  everyone.  John  not  signing  was  the  only  obstacle.  John's
                 supervisor and other co-workers had tried to persuade him without success.
                 The owner of the company called John into his office and said, "John, here is a pen and
                 these are the papers for you to sign to enroll into the pension plan. If you don't enroll, you
                 are  fired  this  minute."  John  signed  right  away.  The  owner  asked  John  why  he  hadn't
                 signed earlier. John replied, "No one explained the plan quite as clearly as you did."

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