Page 20 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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                                        Establishment of Business   Princess R.   Agriculture   June 2018 –       SB
                                        Model for Techno-Based   Babaran             June 2020
                                        Organic Fertilizer Production   Vivian M.   Economics
                                        Enterprise towards   Dumrique
                                        Commercialization in   Artemio Martin              Marketing
                                                           Lucila Rocha
                                                           Exequiel M.
                                        Productivity, Profitability and   Jose P. Gallena,   Public Administration       SB
                                        Viability of Organic and   Jr.
                                        Conventional Rice   Exequiel Perez     Agriculture
                                        Production System In
                                        Isabela            Vivian Dumrique   Entrepreneurship
                                                           Artemio Martin Jr.   Marketing
                                                           Princess Babaran
                                        Compliance of LGUs to UN   Agnes M. Ramos   Accountancy   2020   75,000   SB
                                        SDGs concerning water,
                                        sanitation and hygiene   Renejoy M. Bulos
                                                           Jeanette I.
                                               PROGRAM-BASED HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCHES
                                        Employment Competencies   Ma. Teresa S.   Marketing, HM/TM,   2021   60,000   SB
               Program/                 of the graduates from   Alvarez   Human Resource,
               Curricular Assessment Program   different degree programs of   Princess R.   Accounting,
                                        the College of Business   Babaran   Management
                                        Accountancy and Public   Elsa S. Pinzon   Accounting,
                                        Administration: Basis for       Entrepreneurship
                                        Curriculum Enhancement     Dahlee S.
                                                           Jayson G.
                                                           Exequel M. Perez
               ∙   Student Admission and Retention         Eva U. Cammayo
               Policies                                    Jeanette I.
               ∙   Research/Extension Productivity
               ∙   HR Competency Analysis                  Renejoy Bulos,
               ∙    Quality and Excellence in
               Business Education                          Ferdinand De
               ●                                           Guzman
               Productivity & Employability of             Pamela Baluyut
               ●                                           Meryl Pearl
               Performance in Board Examination            Facun
               ●                        Tracer Study on the   Cammayo, Eva   Accounting   2017            SB
               Efficiency and Effectiveness   Graduates of Bachelor of   U.
                                        Science in Accountancy,
                                        Tracer Study on the   Alvarez, Ma.   Marketing   2017             SB
                                        Graduates of Bachelor of   Theresa S.
                                        Science in
                                        Entrepreneurship, 2017
                                        Tracer Study on the   Reario, Ma. Rita   Public   2017            SB
                                        Graduates of Bachelor of   A.    Administration
                                        Arts in Public Administration,

               20  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   V :  R e s e a r c h / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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