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Innovation Capacity of RDIs    Jeanette I. Gonzales
                       Study 7. Harnessing University   Elsa S. Pinzon
               Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth:   Ferdinand Q. De
               Factors of Success Among University Spin-  Guzman
               offs                           Eva U. Cammayo
                       Study 8. Trend of technologies from   Exequiel M. Perez
               R&D organizations to industry   Shiela Guinat
                                              Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez
                       Study 9: Determinants of University   Eva U. Cammayo
               Technology Transfer            Rolly L. San Jose
                                              Mariflor H. Devibar
               PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY and   Martin  Artemio   Jan. 4     SB                       On-Going
               VIABILITY OF ORGANIC AND       Dumrique Vivian M   2021- Dec.
               CONVENTIONAL RICE PRODUCTION   Perez Exequiel M   31, 2021
               SYSTEM IN ISABELA              Cammayo, Eva U
                                              Babaran, Princess
                                              Gallena, Jose Jr
               UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF     Myla Simanagan      Jan. 4      SB       PhP 30,000.00   On-Going
               CACAO POD HUSK POWDER (CPHP)                     2021- Dec.
               AS AN   INGREDIENT FOR THE                        31, 2021
                        Study 1:     Quality of Crispy cookies   Myla Simanagan /
               supplemented with  Cocoa Pod Husks   Vivian M. Dumrique
                        Study 2:     Development  of Cream   Vivian M. Dumrique
               Cheese Cookies Supplemented with
               CPCH, Chocolate Liquor and   Roasted
               Study 3:     Enhancing the Quality  of   Vivian M. Dumrique
               Commercial Biscuit Fortified with Cacao
               Pod Husk  Powder               Princess R. Babaran
                                              Exequiel M. Perez
               PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT         Jay P. Chy / Eva    Jan. 4      SB       PhP 90,000.00   On-Going
               SYSTEM AND PRODUCTIVITY OF     Cammayo           2021- Dec.
               ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY                          31, 2021
                        Study 2: The Roles of Organizational   Eva U. Cammayo
               Politics and Fairness in the Relationship
               Between Performance Management   Romano P. Cammayo
               System and Trust
                         Study 3: Operationalizing   Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez
               Performance Management in Public HEIs:
               The Use of the Balanced Scorecard    Exequiel M. Perez
                                              Jeanette I. Gonzales
                          Study 5: Impact of High-  Jose P. Gallena, Jr.
               Performance Work System Practices on
               Human Resource Outcomes and    Eva U. Cammayo
               Organizational Performance in Public
               THE ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN   JOAN TOMAS-RUIZ   Jan. 4     SB       PhP 60,000.00   On-Going
               LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                       2021- Nov.
               PROMOTION: THE CASE OF ECHAGUE,                   30, 2021
               Study 1: Business Owners’ Satisfaction in   NICANOR D.
               Processing Business Permits in Echague,   BAQUIRAN
               Isabela                        MA. RITA A. REARIO

               23  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   V :  R e s e a r c h / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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