Page 21 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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Tracer Study on the   Dumrique, Vivian   Entrepreneurship   2017        SB
                                        Graduates of Bachelor of   M.
                                        Science in Business
                                        Administration Major in
                                        Human Resource
                                        Development Management,
                                        Tracer Study on the   Bartolome,   Accounting   2017              SB
                                        Graduates of Business   Christine Holly
                                        Administration Major in   Jane
                                        Management Accounting,
                                        Tracer Study on the   Remigio, Arlene   Tourism and   2017        SB
                                        Graduates of Bachelor of   L.     Hospitality
                                        Science in Business              Management
                                        Administration major in
                                        Hotel Restaurant and
                                        Tourism Management, 2017
                                        Extension and Research   Cammayo, Eva    Accounting/Marketi  2017       SB
                                        Productivity of ISUE, 2017          ng
                                                           Alvarez, Ma.


                                                                                                    Status (On-going/
                       RESEARCH TITLE               LEAD        DURATIO    SOURCE OF    APPROVED      Completed)
                                                RESEARCHER/S       N         FUND        BUDGET
               Assessment in the implementation of RA   Nicanor D. Baquiran   2020-2021   SB   PhP 60,000.00   Completed
               9003 of government and private entity in
               Awareness, utilization, and adoption of   Diosdado C. Cañete   2020-2021   External       Completed
               green technologies among dairy MSMES in  Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez
               Cagayan Valley
               Socio-economic profile of the dairy industry   Ma Teresa S. Alvarez   2020-2021   External       Completed
               in Cagayan Valley: potential users of green   Diosdado C. Cañete
               Technical and economic efficiency of   Diosdado C. Cañete   2020-2021   External        Completed
               utilization of green dairy technologies in   Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez
               Cagayan Valley
               Water supply and management system of   Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez,   2020-2021   SB   PhP 50,000.00   Completed
               urban city: a case of Santiago City   Exequiel M. Perez,
                                              Elmer A. Rosete
               Green technology adoption puzzle: What   Mariflor Devibar   2020-2021   External        Completed
               can we learn from the field
               Program Title:      ADDING VALUE TO   Melody E. Lim, Arlene   Jan. 4   SB   PhP 45,000.00   On-Going
               CACAO POD HUSK FLOUR AS A      Remigio           2021- Dec.
               POTENTIAL ALTERNATE FOR ALL                       31, 2021
               OF POLVORON DE CACAO
                         Study 1:     Incorporating the Cacao   Arlene Remigio
               Pod Husk Flour in Polvoron de Cacao   Jennifer B. Fabro
               Production as Alternate for All Purpose
               Flour                          Melody E. Lim
                         Study 2:       Assessing consumer   Melody E. Lim
               preferences of Cacao Pod Husk Flour   Jayson Gollayan
               Fortified Polvoron using Cacao Beans
               Roasting Time as the Variable: A Sensory   Hunter Joseph Lim

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