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Program Title:      Consumer acceptability   Jennifer B. Fabro,   Jan. 4   SB   PhP 40,000.00   On-Going
               on Cacao Pod Husk Powder as an   Arlene Remigio   2021- Dec.
               Alternative Flour in Bread Production             31, 2021
                         Study 1:     Production of Loaf Bread   Jennifer B. Fabro
               using Cacao Pod Husk Powder    Arlene Remigio
                                              Melody E. Lim
                         Study 2:       Consumer Acceptability   Arlene Remigio
               of Pita Bread made with Cacao Pod Husk
               Powder                         Melody E. Lim
                                              Jennifer B. Fabro
               Project Title:  Employment Competencies   Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez   Jan. 4   SB   PhP 60,000.00   On-Going
               of the graduates from different degree           2021- Dec.
               programs of the College of Business               31, 2021
               Accountancy and Public Administration:
               Basis for Curriculum Enhancement
                       Study 1: Graduate Competencies of   Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez
               the Bachelor of Science in Business
               Administration major in Marketing   Princess R. Babaran
               Management: Basis  for Curriculum
                       Study 2.  Bachelor of Science in   Elsa S. Pinzon
               Business Administration major in Human   Dahlee S. Pascua
               Resource Management graduate
               competencies                   Jennifer   Villanueva
                       Study 3. Bachelor of Science in   Jayson G. Gollayan
               Entrepreneurship graduate competencies
                                              Exequel M. Perez
                       Study 4. Bachelor of Science in   Eva U. Cammayo
               Accountancy                    Jeanette I. Gonzales
                       Study 5. Bachelor of Science in   Renejoy Bulos,
               Management Accounting          Ferdinand De Guzman
                       Study 6. Bachelor of Science in Hotel   Pamela Baluyut
               Restaurant and Tourism Management   Meryl Pearl Facun
               Project Title: ENHANCING REGIONAL   EVA U. CAMMAYO    Jan. 4   SB       PhP 90,000.00   On-Going
               ECONOMIC GROWTH THROUGH                          2021- Dec.
               TECHNOLOGY AND ACADEMIC                           31, 2021
                       Study 1.  Measuring the Impact of   Cristy T. Ancheta
               Innovative Human Capital of SUCs’   Agnes M. Ramos
               Propensity to Innovate
                                              Leah C. Tungpalan
                       Study 2. Survival and Growth of Start-  Vivian M. Dumrique
               up Firms                       Jayson G. Gollayan
                                              Eva U. Cammayo
                       Study 3. Economic Performance of   Louwella A. Maniego
               the Industry on the Use of Technologies   Ermhan R. Maniego
               and Intellectual Property
                                              Aljon F. Gumpal
                       Study 4. Technology Transfer Barriers   Dahlee S. Pascua
               and Challenges Faced by R&D    Jennifer M. Villanueva
                                              Jose P. Gallena, Jr.
                       Study 5. Enabling Activities of SUCs   Renejoy M. Bulos,
               in the Technology Transfer, IP
               Management and Commercialization   Exequiel M. Perez
                                               Fler L. Madayag
                       Study 6. Technological Intensity and   Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez,

               22  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   V :  R e s e a r c h / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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