Page 14 - Parameter IX PPP
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           2.4. Speech Laboratory

           •      Speech Laboratory equipment is installed for audio simulation. It is equipped

           with Aspen Digital language Laboratory System that is coupled with computer and uses
           a graphical user interface. The laboratory equipment can be attached with multimedia
           equipment with its 4 input channel.

           2.5. Science Laboratories (Biology Laboratory & Chemistry Laboratory)

           •      These are all located at the College of Arts and Sciences, being classified as

           General Education subjects that laboratories for these are centralized.

           •      The Biology and Chemistry laboratories are housed in the Science Building (SB)

           equipped with well-arranged standard tables and chairs, required for laboratory work.
           These are also provided with demonstration tables, gas, and electrical outlets, faucets

           and sinks, storage cabinet, stock room for reagents and an office for lab aides.
           Emergency exits, shower room, first aid kits and fire extinguishers are provided and

           strategically located for their intended purposes. Well lighted and adequate windows
           and ceiling fans for proper ventilation.

           At present, an additional Science Building with several laboratory rooms is currently
           being constructed to address the growing population of the University.
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