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                                           15 | COVER STORY

                                               EAC Customs union: South Sudan seeks extension

                Founder Publisher           Editorial:                         Science & Health
            & Chairman of the board:        4|COVID-19: Corruption where       22|Africa’s COVID-19 millionaires and
             Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey       people are faced with death        the coronavirus (EDIT)
                                            Obituary                           East Africa
                                            5| Benjamin Mkapa                  24|Season of trade deals, which way
                  Fred O. Oduke             People                             for EAC countries?/ Tanzania heads to

                  Deputy Editor:            6|Tony Elumelu                     the polls as Tundu Lissu returns
              Chier Ajou Deng Akuey         Opinion & Views                    Around Africa
                 - Based in London          7|Economic Crisis in South Sudan   26|Mali coup could have
                                            Opinion & Views                    ramifications far beyond its borders,
                                            8|To Explain the “Low” Covid-19    Around Africa
                                            Death Rates in Africa              28|How unending proxy war in Libya
                                            Perspectives                       is morphing to another Syria/ Will
                                                                               Somalia be ready for a one-person
                                            10|My Eulogy for Congressman John   one-vote election?
                                            Lewis                              World
                                            Leaders & Politics
                                            12|‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero, Paul       30|‘The Abraham accords’
                                            Rusesabagana in deep trouble in    World
                                            Rwanda                             31|Commentary: US-China tension, is
                                            COVER STORY                        the November election the solution
                                            15|EAC Customs union: South Sudan   Country Profile
                                            seeks extension                    32|Angola is oil rich, but!
                                            Environment                        Special Feature
                                            19|Raising water levels in the Rift   35|Hagia Sophia: Church of the
               Creative Media, Juba         Valley, Kenya                      Divine Wisdom now a Mosque
                                            Finance & Economics                Sports
                                            20|Africa and the 3Ds of the new   38| Egypt’s Football Trophies Stolen
                                            world order/ Kenya Airways faces   From EFA Headquarters
               Read E-magazine @:           renationalization

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