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Opinion & Views
Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey
Dr. John Garang de Mabior
Economic Crisis in South Sudan
ddressing the Graduates from the But, with hind eyes, it is quite a fact that led to the economic break-down
Amilitary college in 1994, Dr. John of history that the Republic of South and eventual collapsed.
Garang de Mabior, within a long lecture, Sudan was born out of a deadly civil Genuine professional critics correctly
had this to say, “when the SPLM gets war between Khartoum and Southern believe that the economics of South
political power in New Sudan, things Sudan, from 1955 to 2005. The long war Sudan suffered first, from ignorance,
shall be different from the SPLM/SPLA killed 2.5 million South Sudanese and political anarchy within the ruling
war efforts we are undergoing. The destroyed every square of land and every SPLM, Government’s mismanagement,
Government program shall be different property on its face. corruption, Troika (the US, UK, and
in designation and provision of social Fortunately, not luckily, the SPLM Norway) withdrawal of economic aids,
development and delivery of services. prevailed and, in 2005, liberated the the Khartoum’s sabotage and the recent
The Government shall provide money country and declared its independence war of 2013-2018. Now that the war has
to build roads, schools, and hospitals. on 9 July 2011. South Sudan inherited ended, what next?
We must know that a government, any no assets, or financial reserves from
government worldwide, does not possess Khartoum, though it inherited the land What next is to commit to the new page:
ready-printed money in stores, though and primarily developed of 10% of The 12 September 2018, Revitalized
our people believe that a government petroleum reserves, Khartoum couldn’t Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in
has money stored in big public stores leave us alone to administer it. the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS).
to be freely handed out to people. That In 2012, the oil production was closed The Presidency and R-TGoNU must
image is false. The government depends down following the conflict with take full charge, in accordance with
on taxes paid by the citizens and from all Khartoum over the oil conduit pipeline, the R-ARCSS and the Constitution,
fields of private industries. If there are no from the oil fields of South Sudan to close the recent past and implement
taxes, then the government, per se, shall Port Sudan. This crisis was followed up concurrently, all the chapters within
not function or deliver any services.” with rebellion in 2013. The 98% national the agreed timetable by the parties and
As Dr. John correctly predicted, South revenue was now gone. The country then mediators led by IGAD, AU and the UN.
Sudanese believe that there is a lot of free and the resilience South Sudanese had In my opinion, the South Sudanese,
money in-store of the National Bank of no any other means rather than hand- without prejudice to the Presidency and
South Sudan, owned by the Ministry of to-mouth-economic life. R-TGoNU, should focus on and follow
Finance and other private banks for a Many South Sudanese, internally up the process leading to a successful and
takeaway. South Sudan’s economy is very and externally, say the economy has smooth implementation of R-ARCSS,
sick now, and requires a very speedy been mismanaged by corrupt “Dinka “in letter and spirit.” Blames and counter
treatment, though we had had hiccoughs Government and Jieng Council of blames are bygones, that shall not bail out
since 2005. Elders (JCE). Less, the critics don’t refer the country and the suffering citizenry
As we speak, the economic situation of to Mother SPLM and its “break-away” of South Sudan, from the accumulated
South Sudan is in further decline: The wings SPLM IO and SPLM Leaders, the destruction and chaotic mess we have
Revitalized Transitional Government Former Detainees (FDs), in order to alone inflicted on ourselves and the
of National Unity (R-TGoNU) has charge them against the “2013-2018’s country. Let’s focus and concentrate on
authoritative devices and should fix it! “senseless war” and the main reasons the peaceful resolution of our conflicts.
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