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Opinion & Views

          Subiri Obwogo


           To Explain the “Low” Covid - 19 Death

           Rates in Africa, Stop Counting the

           Body Bags & Follow the Science


           recently read a story published in   Look, when the virus first erupted   keeps  lurching on,  this  is real: In
         I cience, a non-profit publication,   in Wuhan, China, the rest of the   Tanzania, President John Magufuli
          pondering the question of why the   world was watching with a sense of   declared sometime in August that his
          Covid-19 pandemic seems to have   schadenfreude. When it reached the   country was virus-free after banning
          spared Africa so far.             West, Italy became the epicenter and   testing and promoting an unproven
                                            pariah state.  President Trump was   herbal tea from Madagascar as a cure.
          Here’s the jigsaw puzzle: Africa   quoted on March17, “You look at   He’s discouraged social distancing and
          recently reported its millionth official   what’s going on with Italy. We don’t   wearing of masks and invoked the
          COVID-19 case with fewer than one   want to be in a position like that.” He   power of prayers.
          confirmed case for every thousand   continued to dismiss the “Chinese
          people and just 23,000 deaths so far.   virus” as a mild flu even as the first   So, what could explain the apparent
          Yet, if you look at the antibody surveys   cases were reported in America.   low death-to-infection ratio? A
          done so far, more Africans have been                                 straight answer is that I’ve no idea but
          infected with the coronavirus, creating   Fast forward to a few months, and   the  good  news  is  that  we  now  know
          a huge disparity between antibody   the United States with barely four per   enough about how SARS-CoV-2 that
          data and official case and death counts   cent of the world’s population, at some   causes Covid-19 is transmitted to
          the report said.                  point, accounted for 25 per cent of the   hazard some intelligent guesses.
                                            coronavirus  cases  and  had  a  fatality   A good place to start is by comparing
          I’ll delve into what I think is going on in   rate five times higher than the global
          a while but, oh boy, this is exhausting.   average.                  test rates for active SARS-CoV-2 active
          Cynics have seized on these findings
          to argue that the emphasis currently   If you’ve never had a nightmare where   It’s a fact that testing in many African
          put  on preventing SARS-CoV-2  in   you’re running away from a monster   countries is too low to make the data
          Africa is misplaced.              and,  no matter  what  you  throw,  it   any meaningful. WHO recommends

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