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COVID-19: Corruption where
people are faced with death
n page 22 of this issue, we tackle the a pandemic by WHO in on 11 March
Oelephant in the room-Africa is in 2020,the international community
the news and on the global spotlight for stepped in to help Africa fight the Fred O. Oduke - Managing Editor
very wrong reasons-corruption, as usual pandemic. The International Monetary
has hit the continent it really hurts- Fund suspended 25 (mostly African) It does not stop there; procured and
COVID -19 funds have been stolen. countries’ debt payments. The World donated medical equipment and
As the world re-opens under a cloud of a Bank Group is made available a package materials disappeared, ending up in
seemingly tamed pandemic, and a virus of up to $12 billion in immediate support private hospitals and pharmacies, infect,
that the human race has been forced to assist developing countries in coping according local media reports and police
by economic circumstances to learn to with the outbreak. Billions of aid dollars investigation, in some cases, suppliers
live with, two narratives are emerging followed from other donors. ‘air’ was supplied.
about COVID-19 in Africa. The first is The continent has the world’ most fragile Although there is a greater awareness
that cases are slowing down in terms of health systems and its economies weak, of the need for ethics, accountability
the positivity rate, and a decreasing of double major challenges that those in and transparency in public life
COVID-19 deaths toll, in a continent authority would be concerned about, today, supported by a consensus that
with weak healthcare systems. particularly with the real threat of being good governance and sound public
According to the United Nations Office overrun by the pandemic. administration underpin sustainable
on Drugs and Crime, up to 25% of Therefore, it was expected that development, African leaders and
global procurement funding is lost to individual countries across the governments still tolerate plunder
corruption. With billions of dollars continent would use the overwhelming of public funds, this being source of
flowing into developing countries to international goodwill, development funding re-election.
support their COVID-19 responses, partner support and donations and The impact of unethical and criminal
there is an urgent need to ensure that the corporate CSR contributions to improve practices in the public sector is
money goes where it is intended. health infrastructure and services, this is unsupportable in the development of
The situation continues to baffle experts besides initiating emergency programs nations, resulting in a loss of confidence
as the pandemic in Africa may actually to shore up and protect their economies in public institutions and an erosion
have been subdued and the continent from shocks. of the rule of law. While the current
is likely to have avoided catastrophe As people died in hospitals, the number concern with corruption associated with
due to variety of reasons—early action of COVID-19 patients surged, and COVID-19, funds has raised a storm,
to prevent imported cases and a young healthcare workers complained of lack and investigations seem are ongoing,
of PPEs, government officials in many
population. Whether this situation can its damaging effects may go beyond the
be sustained, the jury is still out there. African countries embarked a looting pandemic.
spree. South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya,
The other is that the pandemic in Africa Uganda and many other countries the Africa still faces enormous challenges
may have created new millionaires story is the same: COVID-19 funds were in its efforts in fighting endemic diseases
across the continent through corruption. being stolen in corrupt procumbent such as malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS,
To public officers and politicians, the deals. which, largely funded by donors. It is
COVID-19 presented a Godsend, While corruption is not anything new indeed concerning and unfortunately
golden opportunity to enrich themselves across the continent, Covid-19 seem to that donors and development partners
risking millions of people, including have given an opportunity for another are threatening to withdraw support,
medical workers who are the frontline level of looting of public funds on such risking million of lives, including
fighters against the corona virus. a scale never seen before, particularly children.
According to the United Nations Office given that this was being done, all in Moreover, Africa is home to many
on Drugs and Crime, up to 25% of public glare. of the world’s poorest countries some
global procurement funding is lost to In Kenya for instance, PPE’s donated by still experiencing severe conflicts,
corruption. Such losses are prevalent the Jack Maa foundation, are suspected circumstances that point to the need for
in many African countries, where to have disappeared at the Jomo Kenyatta sustained development partner support,
senior government officials and their international Airports, just weeks upon without which, they face total socio-
international collaborators have used arrival from Ethiopia. Unconfirmed economic collapse.
public policy and resources to enrich sources indicate that the stolen items There can be no explanations for
themselves. may have been sold across the border to corruption proffered, particularly, where
Immediately COVID-19 was declared Tanzania. people are faced with death.
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