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one test per 1,000 people per week.
          Some independent reports show that
          most countries in  Africa undertook
          fewer than 8,000 tests per million
          people. For example, among the lowest
          testing rates are Tanzania (63 tests per
          million), DRC (467 tests per million),
          Niger (373 tests per million), Chad
          (383 tests per million), and Burundi
          (563 tests per million).

          Please, don’t tell anyone this: Nigeria,
          the continent’s most populous nation,
          tests one out of every 50,000 people
          per day.

          To compare, Britain, United Arab   Race to coronavirus vaccaine
          Emirates  and   Singapore   have
          conducted 205,782, 472,590, and
          199,904 tests per million respectively.   the virus - limits at 37 (Lab A) and at   considering the amount of virus one
                                            40 (Lab B).  What this means is that   is exposed to. As I’d mentioned, the
          In fact, experts have warned that
          without international support to   if my viral load is comparatively low,   CTs depend on the patient’s viral load
          increase  testing,  many  African  I could test positive to SARS-CoV-2   and because these are rarely included
          nations could face “an undetected and   with machine B and negative with A.   in the results sent to the doctor, a
          uncontrolled spread” akin to driving a   Let’s forget CTs for now and consider   positive test  doesn’t indicate how
                                                                               infectious  someone  is.  In  one  survey
          car with the lights off in the dark.   a more burning question: Even if the   in Massachusetts, 90 per cent of people
                                            tests are few and inaccurate, surely, we
          Related to test-rates is the type of tests                           testing positive carried barely any virus
          used and their efficacy. First, we know   can’t miss the body bags, can we? I’ll   that could be deemed contagious.
                                            start with the obvious.
          that the accuracy of antibody tests                                  Fourth, researchers have tentatively
          varies widely and these tests cannot   First,  Africa  has  a  more  youthful   estimated that about 40 per cent of
          be relied on except for these specific   population and lower rates of obesity   coronavirus infections do not produce
          purposes.. But being inaccurate is not   compared to many countries in the   any symptoms and when people wear
          the only problem with antibody tests.   west. But then, as more young people   masks, the proportion of asymptomatic
          Some experts have argued that because   test positive for  coronavirus, there’s   cases  increases.  Scientists  have
          antibody tests can’t tell if you’re   no guarantee that more of them won’t   concluded that although face covering
          immune to subsequent infections,   die as multiple risk factors coalesce.   do not make people impervious to
          they’re useless in deciding whether to                               infection, they could lead to milder
          ease mask wearing or social distancing.   Second, we now know that airborne   disease lead to milder, potentially
                                            transmission is a far greater risk than
          Even the most widely used and     contaminated surfaces and that the   reducing hospitalizations and deaths.
          accurate of tests, the PCR, may be   virus spreads through singing and   Lastly, it’s possible that weak mortality
          apt for clinical diagnosis but it’s not   shouting as much as through coughing.   surveillance  systems  (Covid-19
          very  useful  for  public  health  and   What  that means is  that while  any   mortality rates are based on measuring
          policy-decision making. The truth   infected person is a potential vector,   the number of excess natural deaths
          is that as currently used, PCR tests   it’s the super spreading events—bars,   reported) could be obscuring the true
          are more qualitative (give a yes or no   schools, churches, weddings, funerals   picture. Ultimately, the jury is still out
          answer— infected or not infected)   and such crowded places— that are   and I’d urge caution for now.
          than quantitative (amount of virus in   major drivers of the pandemic. It’s
          the body and contagiousness).     estimated that just 10 to 20 per cent   Dr  Obwogo  is  a  medical  doctor,
                                            of coronavirus infections account for   specialist in Public Health Medicine,
          How does PCR testing work? By     80 per cent of transmissions and most   author, entrepreneur, consultant,
          amplifying the viral genetic matter   people who get infected simply don’t   past Chevening scholar and founder
          in cycles. Now assume that two PCR   pass it on.                     of Kienyeji Kenya Farmers’ Network
          machines or laboratories have set their                              Initiative (KiFaNi).
          cycle thresholds, or CTs— the number   Third, when it comes to transmission,   Email:
          of amplification cycles needed to find   a positive test is meaningless without   Website:

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