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the case to an international court.
In a tweet on September 4, US
Assistant Secretary of State for
African Affairs Tibor Nagy said
he had discussed the arrest with
Rwandan ambassador to the US
Mathilde Mukantabana and expects
the Rwandan government to
“provide a fair and transparent legal
process for Rusesabagina.
President Paul Kagame later
dismissed allegations that, Paul
Rusesabagina, was kidnapped by his
government and forced back to the
country to face charges on terror, US actor Don Cheadle
murder, and arson. In an interview,
President Kagame is quoted alluding Rusesabagina says. In fact, the way in Nyaruguru, in Nyamagabe, in the
to trickery as the means that got Mr people were saved from that hotel forest of Nyungwe, and attackers
Rusesabagina fly to Rwanda where was on the hands of many other came from Burundi and they went
he was a wanted criminal. things that happened including the back, and he bragged about these
“I wish some in the media would UN and our own forces because there attacks personally and praised
go by facts and investigate and find was interest in exchanging some of them. There lies a question he has to
the truth. It would be helpful, rather the people that had been captured on answer.”
than just playing the same type of the government side.” “Whether he has people using him
story and way of thinking almost Mr Kagame also hinted at the charges in Europe or America, whatever
forever,” he said. Rusesabagina faces, “How did he way they help him or call him a hero
“Let me eliminate the word kidnap become an associate or even a leader and star, there is no problem with
because that was not the case. of these rebel groups? It is not so long that. But things to do with killing
Rusesabagina will attest to that ago; it is this year and slightly before Rwandans and taking away their
himself. There was no kidnap, there the end of last year that these groups peace; the blood of the Rwandans
was no wrongdoing in the process FLN and MRCD - that Rusesabagina he has on his hands because of the
of his getting here,” Mr Kagame said was leading or is one of their leaders actions of these rebel groups, he has
during the interview on Rwanda - killed people in the southwestern to answer.”
Broadcasting Agency (RBA). part of our country in three districts,” The alleged crime are linked to
“In fact, how he got here was more to Mr Kagame said. his position as Chairman of the
do with himself than anybody else. Movement Rwandaise pour l
It is as if you feed somebody a false “There are victims. There is Changement Democratic(MRDC), a
story that fits well into his narrative information known by local people. coalition of armed exited opposition
of what he wants to be and he follows Rusesabagina himself knows it and groups formed in July 2017, some
it and then finds himself in a place he tells the story. He even told the based in DRC. In 2017, Rusesabagina
like that.” story before he came here and there is quoted saying he would became a
Regarding Paaul Rusasebagna’s role are many recordings about that, he political activist against “the Paul
in saving people targeted during the himself bragging about it.” Kagame rigime” and tht he was
taking up a military struggle to
genocide, Kagame said:“If you asked “Again even if you wanted to ignore
the Rwandans here and those who what other people are saying, I think “liberate the people of Rwanda”
“My role as a humanitarian has
were in the hotel that is talked about, you need to pay attention to what he exposed many malicious practices
where Rusesabagina was working himself has said that really brings by a regime that inflicted too much
before and is said to have started the him into this kind of picture that we pain among the people of Rwanda
journey of being a hero, every one of have to deal with.” and the the whole of the Great Lakes
these people will tell you a different He added: “There is one group called region of Africa. I publically decrare
story from what Rusesabagina is FLN, you know it, which is affiliated that I have decided to combine
saying,” President Kagame said. to MRCD, and he is called their leader. humanitarian and political action to
“The UN mission during that period And the actions of those groups are liberate the people of Rwanda from
also gives a different story from what praised by him. People were killed the RPF dictatorship”
The Nile Explorer 010 | 13