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the East African Legislative Assembly
                                                                               for debate and approval anytime this
                                                                               During   the  FY   2020/2021,  the
                                                                               Community will  focus  on seven
                                                                               key  global  priority areas,  namely:
                                                                               Consolidation of theSingle Customs
                                                                               Territory(SCT) to cover all imports
                                                                               and intra-EAC traded goods, including
                                                                               agricultural and other widely consumed
                                                                               products; Infrastructure Development
                                                                               in the region; Enhancing free movement
                                                                               of all factors of production and other
                                                                               areas of cooperation across the Partner
                                                                               States as envisaged under the Common
                                                                               Market and Monetary Union Protocols,
                                                                               and; Enhancement of regional industrial
                                                                               development through investment in
          A past joint EAC Heads of State retreat on infrastructure and Health enhancing and   key priority sectors, skills development,
          development in Session                                               technological  advancement    and
                                                                               innovation to stimulate economic
          Community (EAC) secretariat addressed   adopted the US$97.6 million budget   development.
          the issue of delays by the member   that will cater for three EAC Organs and
          countries to  remit  their  budgetary   Institutions’ recurrent and development   Other key priority areas include:
          contributions, which was said to be the   expenditure for the current financial   Improvement  of  agricultural
          reason behind the delayed payment of   year  which  runs  from  1   July,  2020  to   productivity,  value  addition  and
          the July salaries then.           30  June, 2021.                    facilitation of movement of agricultural
          The acting  deputy secretary general   Of the total amount, US$55.6 million   goods to enhance food security in the
                                                                               region; Promotion of regional peace,
          (Finance and Administration) Steven   will come from EAC Partner States while   security and good governance, and;
          Mlote confirmed that the financial   Development Partners will contribute   Institutional transformation at the
          situation unstable, being quoted saying   US$41.9 million.           regional and Partner State levels.
          the July salaries for its regional legislators   The EAC Organs are the EAC Secretariat,
          has not been paid.                                                   The Council also renewed the contracts
                                            East African Legislative Assembly and   of 25 members of Professional Staff in
          “It  will  be  paid  anytime  the  financial   East  African  Court  of  Justice  while   the EAC Organs and Institutions who
          situation allows”, he told journalists in   the Institutions are the: Lake Victoria   were appointed in 2015 and whose
          a hastily convened press conference to   Basin Commission; Lake Victoria   contracts have since expired or were due
          elaborate on the financial situation at the   Fisheries Organization; Inter-University   to expire by the end of August 2020 for a
          Arusha-based regional body.       University Council for East Africa; East   final term of five (5) years in accordance
          Mr Mlote, who is the deputy SG for   African Kiswahili Commission; East   with the provisions of the EAC Staff
          Planning and Infrastructure, confirmed   African Health Research Commission;   Rules and Regulations (2006).
          the monthly pay for the 54 elected East   East African Science and Technology   The  Council  further  approved  the
          African Legislative Assembly (Eala)   Organization, and; the East African   issuance of new contracts for short term
          members had not been paid.        Competition Authority.             staff for a period of six months from 1
          He added that payment to the      The  Council  further  approved  the   July to 31  December, 2020.
          respected law makers would be     2020/2021 Financial Year Expenditure   Besides Dr. Biruta, the one-day meeting
          possible after assurances by Uganda   Budget Estimates of US$2.7 million for   was attended by Partner Ministers of EAC
          which has promised to start making its   the Civil Aviation Safety and Security   Affairs, namely: Hon. Adan Mohammed
          contributions for the 2019/2020 financial   Oversight Agency (CASSOA) in addition   (Kenya); Hon. Amb. Ezechiel Nibigira
          year. The same situation obtained this   to Partner States contributions through   (Burundi); Hon. Deng Alor Kuol (South
          year, and it is until month that the EAC   their Civil Aviation Authorities towards   Sudan); Hon. Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Kahinda
          Budget as adopted.                the FY2020/2021 Budget Estimates of   Otafiire (Uganda), and; Hon. Dr. Damas
          The   East  African   Community   US$458,910 each.                   Ndumbaru (Deputy Minister for Foreign
          Council of Ministers finally adopted   The Chairperson of the Council,   Affairs and East African Cooperation,
          the Community’s 2020/2021 budget   Hon. Dr. Vincent Biruta, who is   Tanzania).
          estimates, August 6, having delayed for   also Rwanda’s Minister for Foreign   Also in attendance was the EAC
          close to 2 months.                Affairs, Cooperation and East African   Secretary  General,  Amb.  Liberat
          The Council at its 41  Extra-Ordinary   Community, is now expected to table   Mfumukeko, and his two Deputies
          Meeting held via Video-Conferencing   the  2020/2021 budget  estimates before   Eng. Steven Mlote (DSG-Infrastructure

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