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          water levels

          in the Rift

          Valley,                           An aerial photo of flooded villages near Lake Baringo caused by the rising waters

          Kenya                             from the lake.

            ive lakes in Kenya’s Great Rift   reserve, Lake Bogoria is a major tourist   is common in the Naivasha and Nakuru
         FValley have swollen to the highest   attraction, teaming with hundreds of   areas. It is through these structures that
          records in recent years, according to a   bird species and beautiful landscape, as   water drains into the ground.
          conservationist.                  well as geysers and hot springs.   Experts opine that the rift valley in
          The lakes affected include Naivasha,   With both lakes having no known   Kenya is opening up at an average rate
          Elementaita, Nakuru, Bogoria, Baringo,   channels that allow the flow of excess   of 2-3mm per year but with a periodicity
          and Logipi. Others affected though not   water,  some  scientists  have  suggested   that varies from periods of fast extension
          in the main Rift Valley include Lake   building a barrier between them. Others   and those of low extension. These
          Simbi in Homa Bay and Lake Chala in   have recommended constructing a canal   changes in the rate of extension is
          the Coast.                        for water to flow out of Lake Baringo,   controlled by the far-field plate tectonic
          The surging water levels years ago   which is rising faster and could certainly   processes occurring in the mid Indian
          saw one of the greatest migrations of   contaminate Lake Bogoria.    ridge in the east and sub-duction in the
          flamingos from Lake Nakuru to Bogoria.   Some  scientists have  explained  the   Mediterranean Sea in the north.
          Few flamingoes can be spotted now. The   phenomenon of the rise in the water   With normal rainfall, under normal
          five lakes in the Rift Valley have swollen   levels as being due to effects of regional   stress regime, the lake levels maintain
          to the highest records in recent years,   tectonic movements, which create near-  near constant levels that is equilibrium
          according to a conservationist. Experts   field and far-field compression and   when rate of drainage from the lakes
          estimate that in the last seven years, Lake   tensional stress fields. The near-field   and the rate of input are at par. However,
          Nakuru has raised to about 9-12 metres   stress regime or earth area, will respond   during high near-field tensional stress
          (30-39 feet).”                    to the far-field stress regime but with a   regime and  normal  rainfall,  ground
          The rising waters have displaced more   time lag. In our case, the near field is the   water  seepage  would  be  reduced  due
          than 5,000 people in 2020, according to   Rift Valley that is responding to the pull   to  decreased  porosity  associated  with
          government officials, submerging homes,   of the Indian Ocean which is a far field   closing of pores and fractures.
          schools, roads, hospitals, farmland -   body.
          and even entire islands. While Climate   “Near field” means a localized area is   Accordingly, the lakes levels are raising
          change and the unusually heavy rains are   affected by earth activities. The “far field”   due to the current environment of
          though as the reason, scientists believe   means an earth area that is far away, in   increased tectonic plate stress, and the
          there are other contributing factors.   this case, the Indian Ocean plate whose   levels should remain high even with
          For instance, lake and Bogoria    activities affect the local near field area,   normal rainfall until a new steady
          - freshwater and alkaline lakes,   in this case the Rift Valley..    state is reached. The opposed should
          respectively that were 20km (12 miles)   The stress field in this sector is therefore   bring about the drying up lakes over a
          apart, have in recent months narrowed   largely classified as near-field tensional   period leading to reduction in the levels.
          that distance to 13km (eight miles),   and is characterized by open normal   Otherwise, currently the eastern Africa
          according to government officials. Lake   faults that have dips into the rift graben.   region is under increased near-field
          Bogoria is a World Heritage site which at   Accordingly, effects of the near-field   stress related to changes in global stress
          times hosts up to 1.2 million flamingoes.  tensional fracture arising from low   patterns causing the raising water level
          Located on an eponymous national   stress fields result in open fractures as   phenomenon.

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