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between government officials and
          businesses  providing    medical
          equipment, as well as food aid parcels
          to the poor, have sparked outrage in
          South Africa, where more than half a
          million cases of the coronavirus that
          causes COVID-19 make it the fifth-
          largest outbreak in the world. The
          death toll this month is expected to
          stretch to 15000 plus, the highest in
          South African President Cyril
          Ramaphosa has set up a ministerial
          committee to investigate alleged
          corruption in state tenders in the
          fight against the coronavirus, as the
          government faces criticism over its
          response to the pandemic.         Pres. Uhuru Kenyatta

          “The committee will look into
          corruption in the procurement     In other instances, PPE has not    on a promise of stamping out the
          of goods and services sourced for   been delivered at all or contracts   graft associated with his predecessor.
          the  purpose  of  containing  and   have  been given to companies and
          responding to the COVID-19        people connected to the government   According  to  figures  by  Johns
          pandemic,”  a   statement  from   and the governing African National   Hopkins University, South Africa,
          Ramaphosa’s   office  said   on   Congress Party (ANC).              with a population of about 59 million,
          Thursday, adding this “includes the                                  is ranked fifth in the world in terms
          procurement of personal protective   The Special Investigating Unit (SUI),   of COVID-19 cases. It falls behind
          equipment (PPE)”.                 a government    agency, said   102   the US, Brazil, Russia and India
                                            companies in the province of Gauteng   respectively, with a coronavirus
          Africa’s most industrialised nation   alone are under investigation.  infection above 600,000 and 15000
          accounts  for  more  than  half  of  the                             deaths.
          continent’s total COVID-19 cases.   South  Africa’s  anti-corruption
          More than 24,000 health workers   watchdog said on Monday it was     In Uganda, the country recalled its
          have contracted the disease and 181   investigating irregularities in these   ambassador  to  Denmark  and  her
          have died since March.            contracts, the latest in a series of   deputy after the duo were recorded
                                            high-profile corruption scandals   in a Zoom call allegedly plotting
          Healthcare workers and unions say   involving  politically  connected  to pocket money allocated to deal
          corruption  is  contributing  to  poor   individuals.                with Covid-19.  While in Somalia,
          delivery of services and putting lives                               a  court  handed  down  heavy
          at risk.                          Ramahosa’s chief spokeswoman,      sentences to four top health officials
                                            Khusela Diko, is also reported     for   misappropriating  pandemic
          When the first infections were    embroiled in a scandal involving   relief funds. A leaked audio in
          recorded back in March, the       her husband Thandisizwe, whose     which the country’s ambassador to
          government declared a state of    company is accused of winning a    Copenhagen, Nimisha Madhvani,
          disaster, which meant that the normal   $7m contract to supply PPE through   her deputy, and other staff members
          tender procedure for government   his political connections. Diko    are heard laughing as they appear to
          contracts was abandoned, and      was forced to take special leave to   be concocting a plan to share money
          within days of the announcement,   allow for investigations. The couple
          a number of questionable contracts   has denied breaking any laws.   among themselves that is meant to
          were awarded.”                    Gauteng’s top health official, Bandile   be used to deal with the outbreak.

          The Finance Minister Tito Mboweni   Masuku, and his wife have also been   In Nigeria, Civic Hive, a good
          is quoted saying the process has to be   implicated.                 governance NGO, recently uncovered
          more transparent.”                                                   Bureau of Public Procurement data
                                            Reports    of    corruption   are  showing that the Federal Ministry of
          While the government has given    embarrassing for Ramaphosa, who    Health had spent N37.06m ($96,000)
          contracts  to  service  providers  for   took over from Jacob Zuma as   on 1,808 ordinary face masks, about
          PPE, the prices have been inflated.   president more than two years ago   $53 apiece.

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