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Around Africa

          How unending

          proxy war

          in Libya is

          morphing to                       GNU forces celebrate routing of Haftar’s forces near Tripoli

          another Syria

            ince the 2011 NATO-backed revolt   conflict. Turkey emerged as Kingmaker   presence in the country is expected to
         Sin Libya that ended 42 years of rule   after it intervened in January, sending   see Moscow gain greater control over
          by  strongman Muammar Qaddafi,    troops and drones in support of the   refugee flows to Europe, which could
          the oil-rich North African country   GNA and enabling it to beat back   be used to destabilize the European
          has been in perpetual turmoil. The   Haftar’s forces, also supported by   Union. The U.S. Africa Command
          latest phase began in April, when   Russian mercenaries.             recently released new evidence of
          military  commander  Khalifa  Haftar                                 Russian fighter jets being flown in
          and his forces marched on the capital   Turkey is reported to be in talks with   Libya by state-backed Russian private
                                            the GNA to use naval and air bases in
          Tripoli determined to unseat the   the country, an arrangement that would   military contractors.
          internationally backed government                                    Russia, which has backed Haftar’s
          located there.                    give Ankara leverage over European
                                            powers and its Arab adversaries.   Libyan National Army in the east, is
          The battle for the city has attracted                                looking to further increase its military
          interventions in the country by Russia   Turkey’s intervention in the conflict   footprint in Libya, which experts
          and neighboring countries as they   has prompted a rift with its NATO ally   observe  as  being  designed  to  have,
          maneuver  to shape the  future  of the   France,  which has supported Haftar’s   Russians  control  in  both  Libya  Syria
          OPEC member state                 forces. The French ministry of defense   outflanking  NATO  the  south  and  the
                                            has been reported to have accused the   East, something the west hates to see.
          In June, Commander  Khalifa Haftar   Turkish navy of harassing a French
          ended his 14-month siege of the capital,   warship in the eastern Mediterranean   Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj came
          Tripoli, amid, a flurry of activity from   as it tried to inspect a cargo vessel   to  power  through  a  2015  United
          the international backers of different   suspected of carrying weapons to Libya   Nations-backed political deal.  But a
          factions in the conflict Libyan eager to   in violation of a U.N. embargo. NATO   rival government was set up in eastern
          influence the outcome of events in the   Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is   Libya and aligned with Haftar, 76.
          oil-rich nation.                  quoted saying the bloc was investigating   His coalition of regular troops and
          Libya is at risk of becoming the next   the incident.                militias, called the Libyan National
                                                                               Army, gained fame for taking the cities
          Syria, embroiled in protracted proxy   A  high-level  Turkish  delegation  of Benghazi and Derna from militants
          war, with no end in sight with powers   that included the country’s Foreign   affiliated with al-Qaeda.
          backing the United Nations-recognized   Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, its finance
          Government of National Accord     minister, and its intelligence chief were   Haftar has gradually extended his grip
          (GNA) based in Tripoli, on a side, and   in Libya in June for talks about the   over the country’s east and the south,
          those backing Haftar’s Libyan National   latest developments in the crisis and   gaining control of most of Libya’s oil
          Army, which controls the east.    the  military  cooperation  agreement   fields and terminals. After an attempt
                                                                               last year to sell oil provoked a warning
          As in Syria, Russia and Turkey have   signed between the two governments   from the U.S., Haftar restored control
          emerged as the most consequential   last November.                   of  the resource to  the  National Oil
          players, backing opposite sides of the   Moreover, an increased Russian   Corp. and revenues from it to the

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