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central bank, both of which answer to   Will Somalia be ready for a
          the government in Tripoli.
          have stave off a Tripoli offensive by  one-person one-vote election?
          The  UN,  U.S.  and  other  powers

          negotiating a political agreement
          between the two factions. Haftar’s
          advisers said they didn’t trust Sarraj
          to abide by a power-sharing deal that
          would lead to elections, and accused
          him of being beholden to militias and
          Haftar has the support of the main
          tribes in the east and some cities in
          the west, including Tarhouna, which
          neighbors Tripoli. Sarraj’s government
          is supported by militias in Tripoli
          and in neighboring Misrata, and the
          powerful forces of former defense
          minister Osama al-Juwaili from Zintan.
          Both sides increasingly rely on foreign   Somalia’s president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed
                                               omalia’s  elections  commission  In a joint statement they supported
          The U.A.E. and Egypt support Haftar,   S(NIEC) postponed the country’s   the new election, further emphasizing
          whom theu consider as a reliable   planed and long awaited parliamentary   the  need for further engagement by
          strongman who could end Libya’s chaos.   and presidential elections that had been   all parties and stakeholders through
          Matters are further complicated by   scheduled for November by 13 months,   dialogue in order to forge consensus
          Tripoli’s suspected links with Islamist,   citing the country’s security challenges.  among Somalia’s political parties over
                                                                               the election.
          including the Muslim Brotherhood,   The last time Somalia had a universal   Somalia joins the league of country’s that
          which many Arab countries consider   suffrage election was in 1969. This was   cannot hold elections – not because of
          subversive.                       followed by decades of dictatorship, civil   the coronavirus as in the case of Ethiopia
                                            war and relentless terrorist attacks.  but because of preparatory challenges,
          Turkey under President Recep Tayyip   The new date announced by the   the elections chief has disclosed.
          Erdogan  embraces   the  Muslim   Chairperson  electoral  commission,  According to National Independent
          Brotherhood and has enjoyed good   Halimo Ismail is August Aug. 2021.   Electoral Commission head, Halima
          relations with Sarraj, something that   Addressing lawmakers and journalists   Ismail Ibrahim, the NIEC has ruled out
          Egypt is uncomfortable with.      in June, Halimo blamed it on “significant   holding elections which were scheduled
                                            technical and security challenges.” The   to hold on November 27.
          Reports indicate that Haftar’s military   postponement was welcomed by the   She told lawmakers that the earliest an
          failures have disappointed his external   international community  including   election could hold in the country was in
          backers: the United Arab Emirates,   the United Nations, the African Union   March 2021. In her address to the lower
                                                                               house of parliament, she presented two
          France, Russia, and Egypt. They enabled   Mission in Somalia, the European   options – an election based on biometric
          his military campaign to take control of   Union, the U.S. and Britain.  registration which would be possible
          Tripoli, providing him with significant   However, the Forum of National Parties   in August 2021 or a manual-based
          military and political support, with the   opposition alliance, criticized the delay,   registration that can be held in March
          acquiescence of the United States.   saying President Mohamed Abdullahi   2021.
                                            Mohamed plans to unconstitutional   The  issue  of a  general election  has
          Russia  sent in several hundreds of   extend in term by postponing the   been a thorny issue in Somalia with
          Wagner mercenaries to reinforce   elections. Some opposition leaders   incumbent  Mohammed    Abdullahi
          Haftar’s  push into Tripoli: however,   called for the leaders of the electoral   Farmaajo expected to seek re-election.
                                                                               The opposition, under the Forum of
          the    later  withdrawal  of  Russian   commission to step down. President’s   National Parties opposition alliance
          mercenaries (including Wagner and   term expires on Feb. 8, 2021.    lead by two former presidents, will be
          Syrian, pro-Assad regime militias) from   Somalia’s government depends on   challenging him.
          western  Libya,  may  provide  a  timely   international support in its long-lasting   In February 2017 when the last elections
          opportunity for the U.S., which has so   battle against the Islamic extremist rebels   for president were held, some 275 MPs
                                                                               and 54 senators met in a hangar at the
          far been a bystander to the conflict, to   of al-Shabab, who are allied with al-  Mogadishu International airport, in a  in
                                            Qaida. Al-Shabab controls large parts of
          deter  Turkey  and  Russia  from  openly   southern and central Somalia and often   the capital Mogadishu, in a fortified to
          flouting the U.N. arms embargo on   targets the capital with suicide bombings.   choose between then incumbent Hassan
          Libya and prevent Russia from moving   The violence from the extremists would   Sheikh Mohamud for a second term and
          closer toward establishing a permanent   make it difficult to hold election rallies   21 other rivals. Abdullahi Farmaajo won
                                                                               in amid claims of corruption and vote-
          footprint in the country.         and voting, according to diplomats.  buying.

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