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Country Profile

          Angola is

          oil rich,


                                                   City of Luanda

             ngola is a Southern African nation   China). In 2019, it entered its fourth year   of the business climate and getting the
         Awhose varied terrain encompasses   of recession, which was extended by the   country out of the crisis but the social
          tropical Atlantic beaches, a labyrinthine   drop in production in mature oil fields;   situation of Angola remains tensed.
          system of rivers and Sub-Saharan desert   indeed GDP growth contracted by -1.5%   Inequalities, economic sluggishness
          that extends across the border into   in 2019                        and inflation are nourishing the people
          Namibia. The country’s colonial history                              dissatisfaction.
          is reflected in its Portuguese-influenced   According to the updated IMF forecasts   Only a third of the population has access
          cuisine and its landmarks including   from 14th April 2020, due to the outbreak   to electricity. The income per capita has
          Fortaleza de São Miguel, a fortress built   of the COVID-19, GDP growth is   been gradually increasing, especially in
          by the Portuguese in 1576 to defend the   expected to fall to -1.4% in 2020 and pick   the metropolitan regions, but poverty
          capital, Luanda.                  up to 2.6% in 2021, subject to the post-  and unemployment rates remain high.
          Angola, a southern African country   pandemic global economic recovery.    According to the African Development

          with a population of about 19 million,   The banking sector is fragile, bad debts   Bank, poverty incidence fell from 68%
          is about twice as big as France. Angola   representing 30% of total credits. The   in 2000 to 37% in 2018. Poverty is more
          is the second-biggest oil producer in   Angolan authorities remain committed   dominant in rural areas (58%) than in
          Africa, behind Nigeria. The country   to implementing the reform program   urban areas (19%).
          borders Namibia to its south, Zambia to   supported by the IMF. In December   The unemployment rate is estimated
          the east, and the Democratic Republic of   2018, a three-year Extended Credit   at 28% and remains high among
          Congo to the north.               Facility agreement, totaling USD 3.7   young people in urban areas (38%)
          According to the World Bank, the GDP   billion, was approved by the IMF.   (2019, AFDB). According to the World
          of Angola stood 105.8 billion USD in   Critical  pillars  of  the  program  include   Bank data (modelled ILO estimate)
          (2018), dropping to 91.53billion USD in   fiscal consolidation to bring debt down   unemployment rate was at 7.2% of
          (2019) and estimated to drop further to   to safer levels, increasing exchange rate   labour force in 2019. Violence in the
          88.98 billion USD in 2020. Angola has   flexibility to regain competitiveness, and   region of Kasaï (Democratic Republic
          one of the highest GDP per capita (USD)   a favorable monetary policy aimed at   of Congo) provoked the arrival of more
          in Africa which stood at 3,621 in 2018,   reducing inflation.        than 30,000 refugees in Angola.
          3,038 in 2019.                    The National Development Plan for   In December 2016 the MPLA designated
          The South African country has the   2018-2022 aims to address structural   Lourenço as the party’s top candidate
          second largest oil producer in Africa;   bottlenecks  and  promote  human  in the 2017 legislative election. He
          Angola also has the third largest GDP   development, public sector reform,   was elected President of Angola on
          in sub-Saharan Africa, after Nigeria and   diversification and inclusive growth.   23 August 2017 and took office on 26
          South Africa.                     The authorities also affirmed their   September becoming the third President
          After a long civil war, the country   commitment to improve governance   in the country’s history.
          posted one of the highest economic   and fight corruption.           Joao Lourenco, swept into power last
          growth rates in the world, driven by its   President Joao Lourenço initiated   year on a wave of promised reforms,
          oil wealth. Angola was then severely   numerous reforms aimed at reducing   both to the nation’s ailing economy
          affected by the fall in oil prices and by   the influence of the dos Santos family on   and to the system of power and
          the fall in world demand (notably from   the economy, improving the perception   patronage  built  during  decades  of  rule
                                                                               by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.

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