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East Africa

         Season of

         trade deals,

         which way

         for EAC                            President Uhuru Kenyatta with UK, Prime Minister, Boris Johnson (FILE

         countries?                         PHOTO)

             here is a flurry of activity in trade   Besides, Kenya is globally classified   A proposal from the European nation
         Tpolicy circles cross the region as East   above its partners, as a Lower Middle-  shows that its government wants
         African countries are scramble to secure   Income country, accordingly  standing   similar privileges under  the current
         bilateral trade deals with the United   to lose the most if the EAC does not sign   EU agreement with the East African
         Kingdom for the post-Brexit era. The   a collective post-Brexit trade deal with   trade bloc, explaining that “deviating
         as the current multilateral agreement is   the UK, as its exports will be subjected   substantially would require a new
         set to expire at the end of this month,   to taxes and other restrictions.   mandate and could take many years.”
         although president Museveni of Uganda
         seeks an extension to December to allow   All the other EAC member states, are   The prospect of the UK formulating its
         for negotiations between EAC countries   classified as Least Developed Countries   own trade policy following Brexit is likely
         for a new collective pact that has stalled   (LDCs),  meaning  they  will  continue   to  have  implications  for  the  existing
         due to ideological differences.    enjoying unrestricted access to the   Economic  Partnership  Agreements
         Similarly, the UK entered into an   British market.                   (EPAs) between the European Union
         11-month transition period in which it                                (EU) and some African, Caribbean and
         will largely follow EU rules but will not   Given the delays Kenya and Rwanda had
         have any representation in the bloc’s   sought to be allowed to negotiate bilateral   Pacific  (ACP)  countries,  and  the  UK’s
         institutions. This period will come to an   deals with the UK that will allow in the   future trading arrangements with the
         end on 31 December. UK official exited   delaying EAC partners wanting to join   ACP.
         the EU on 31 January. Only when the   later, a proposal that Uganda opposes.   The latter will be determined by the
         UK leaves the EU can the two sides                                    nature of the UK’s trade deal with the EU
         With only four months left until the   And in the clearest indication that the   post Brexit and the trading regime it sets
         current trade arrangement expires   EAC member states are not reading   up with those ACP countries that have
         December, each of the EAC countries has   from the same script, the Tanzanian
         invoked a clause—“variable geometry   government is already engaging the   an EPA. ACP countries receive duty-free
         “in  their  treaty  that  allows  individual   UK directly to renegotiate its current   and quota-free (DFQF) market access
         countries to negotiate and enter into   bilateral trade relationship with Britain   into the EU for all goods (except arms
         trade pacts simultaneous as they enter   in the wake of the latter’s exit from the   and  ammunition)  under  the  EPAs1,
         into deals collectively s a community.                                while  the  same  treatment is  offered  by
         The EAC is expected to have signed a   European Union, Deputy Minister for   the EU to least-developed countries
         draft agreement by the end of next this   Trade Stella Manyanya said, noting that   (LDCs) through the Everything-but-
         month, which now seem highly unlikely.   they are looking to protect locally-made   Arms (EBA) scheme.
         Besides Kenya all the other EAC member   goods.
         countries are  against the  September30   Britain voted to exit the EU in 2016 and   In the absence of equivalent market
         deadline, which they consider to short.                               access, these countries may face higher
         As the leading biggest trade partner with   formally left the bloc in January this year,   most-favoured nation  (MFN)  tariffs  in
         the UK, and the one to lost most when   with a  one-year transitional period,   the UK market. In the short-term, the
         a  collective deal is entered into, Kenya   meaning that all trade deals previously   challenge for the UK is to ensure trade
         seem to be getting frustrated with the   signed the UK with other countries,   continuity on terms that are at least as
         slow pace of negotiations at the regional   through the European bloc, will remain   favourable as those provided under the
         trade bloc level.                  until the transitional period is over.  EPAs.

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