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Science & Health




          and the

          coronavirus                        A recovered COVID-19 patient with medics in full PPEs

              s the world re-opens under a   would not have as many severe cases   suspected  to  have  disappeared  at
         Acloud of a seemingly tamed        or deaths as the rest of the world, but   the Jomo Kenyatta international
          pandemic, and a virus that the    these countries should still expect   Airports, just weeks upon arrival
          human race  has been forced by    190,000 deaths and five million    from Ethiopia. Unconfirmed sources
          economic circumstances to learn to   additional within this first year.  indicate that the stolen items may
          live with, two narratives are emerging                               have been sold across the border to
          about COVID-19 in Africa. The first   While this study may have sent a   Tanzania.
          is that cases are slowing down in   sense  of hope; across  Africa,  the
          terms of the positivity rate, and a   continent’s fragile health systems   And as medical workers complained
          decreasing of COVID-19 deaths toll,   and economic challenges were   of luck of PPE’s  reports  by
          in a continent with weak healthcare   concerning.  Therefore,  it  was  investigators and information from
          systems.                          expected that individual countries   the country’s parliament indicate
                                            across the continent would use     the country may have lost well over
          The situation continues to baffle   the  overwhelming  international   $7million in dubious procurement
          experts as the pandemic in Africa   goodwill,  development  partner  contracts by the Kenya Medical
          may actually have been subdued    support and donations and corporate   Supplies Authority (KEMSA.
          and the continent is likely to have   CSR contributions to improve health
          avoided  catastrophe  due  to  variety   infrastructure and services.   In a recent Executive Order, Uhuru
          of reasons - early action to prevent                                 Kenyatta, Kenya’s president, asked
          imported cases and a young        Africa has so far recorded the lowest   authorities to speed up investigations
          population. Whether this situation   number of coronavirus infections in   into alleged impropriety at Kenya
          can be sustained, the jury is still out   the developing world, but reports   Medical Supplies Authority, which
          there.                            of graft are rife. In a characteristic   have led to a probe by the country’s
                                            nature of African governments and   Ethics   and     Anti-Corruption
          The other is that the pandemic    the pervasive presence of corruption,   Commission.
          in Africa may have created new    the public outrage is over a string of
          millionaires across the continent   suspect contracts, leading massive   Mr Kenyatta said anyone found
          through corruption. To public     loses of public funds.             culpable, no matter their status,
          officers  and   politicians,  the                                    should be “brought to book”. Jonah
          COVID-19 presented a Godsend,     While corruption is not anything   Manjari, the head of KEMSA, and
          golden  opportunity  to   enrich  new across the continent, Covid-19   other officials have been suspended
          themselves risking millions of    seem to have given an opportunity   over  alleged  irregularities  in  the
          people, including medical workers   for another level of looting of public   procurement of personal protective
          who are the frontline fighters against   funds on such a scale never seen   equipment for medical workers.. So
          the corona virus.                 before, particularly given that this   far no one has been arrested for any
                                            was being done, all in public glare.   wrong doing in the matter.
          A recent modeling study from
          the WHO Africa Regional Office    In Kenya for instance, PPE’s donated   In South Africa, the story is the
          estimated that 47 African countries   by the Jack Maa foundation, are   same, with reports of suspect deals

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