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Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
                                                                               whose signing stalled in 2016. Tanzania
                                                                               has always argued that there were still
                                                                               pertinent issues in the EAC-EU EPA,
                                                                               and that it needed more clarifications on
                                                                               them from Brussels.
                                                                               Concerned   about  delays  brought
                                                                               about by Tanzania in concluding the
                                                                               Economic   Partnership  Agreement
                                                                               (EPA) with European Union, other EAC
                                                                               partner states, like Kenya, Uganda and
                                                                               Rwanda are opting to go it alone, further
                                                                               complicating EAC’s Customs union
          EAC Flags
                                                                               The reluctant EAC partner states to
                                                                               the customs union find themselves in
          and Planning, also the Acting DSG-  cover goods, fisheries and development   a very precarious position, s the world
          Finance and Administration) and Hon.   cooperation.                  eagerly awaiting the start of the African
          Christophe Bazivamo (DSG-Productive   Economic  Partnership  Agreements  Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),
          and Social Sectors).              (EPAs)  are  trade  and  development   whose coming into force has been
          The EAC intra-trade stands at about 20   agreements negotiated between the   rescheduled from July 1, to 2021.
          percent compared to the intra-African   EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific
          trade of about 11 percent.        partners engaged in regional economic   The  African  Continental  Free  Trade
                                                                               Area (AfCFTA) agreement will create
          There has also been a positive Revenue   integration processes.      the largest free trade area in the world
          GDP  ratio correlation,  which  negated   The EU-EAC EPA covers trade in goods   measured by the number of countries
          earlier  fears  of  tax  income  loss  at  the   and fisheries as well as development   participating. The pact connects 1.3
          commencement of the Customs union.  cooperation that aims to reinforce   billion people across 55 countries with
          The emergence of Non-Tariff Barriers   cooperation on the sustainable use of   a combined gross domestic product
          (NTBs) has, however, been the biggest   resources. Further negotiations are   (GDP) valued at US$3.4 trillion. It has
          impediment to realization of Common   ongoing to include services and trade-  the potential to lift 30 million people out
          Market Protocol ideals.           related rules in the future.       of extreme poverty, but achieving its full
          “NTBs include rules that government   The  East  African  Community’s  potential will depend on putting in place
          puts in place or suppliers, wholesalers,   partner  states  have  kept  the  European   significant policy reforms and trade
          or how difficult it is to move the product   Union guessing over the controversial   facilitation measures.
          from  the  producer  to  the  consumer.
          You cannot win war against a NTB. But
          what you do is to create an observatory
          capacity that once you observe that this
          is an NTB, develop protocols on how
          to deal with it,” said Mr Mwencha, the
          Chairman of Trade Mark East Africa.
          The Custom Union has allowed East
          Africa  to  operate  as  a  free  trade  area
          where partner states have reduced or
          eliminated taxes on goods originating
          from within the community and have
          a Common External Tariff (CET) on
          goods imported from other countries.

          Moreover, the East African Community
          is divided on whether to sign key
          trade agreements with the European
          Union, recently the United Kingdom
          (UK) following the Brexit. Trade and
          development agreements have been
          negotiated between the EU and African,
          Caribbean and Pacific partners to   Ordinary Summit of EAC

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