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Kenya Airways faces
          the continent’s debt will increasingly
          become  politicized  between  Western
          Most importantly, African states can  renationalization
          creditors and China.

          only remedy the growth-suppressing
          burden of debt through renewed growth
          in their own economies. It is imperative
          that  Africa’s  aspiring  emerging
          economies embrace true structural
          reform in order to unlock growth and
          enhance their competiveness for the
          longer term. Ultimately this should
          become  the  tangible  legacy  of  the
          COVID-19 crisis.
                                            Kenya Airways plane
          COVID-19 is acting as an accelerant for
          the adoption of digital technologies, as   he government of Kenya plans to   a group of small investors (2.8%), and
          companies seek to boost competiveness   Tnationalize the loss-making airline   KQ staff (2.4%), while the largest chunk
          by slimming down and reducing     after attempts in the past failed to get   (48.9%) is already state-owned.
          established costs in their business.   KQ out of the red. Kenya’s parliament
          Embracing remote work could impact   backed this step in an anticipating   The persistent under performance of
          many economies that are ill-prepared   decision taken already last fall. The   the “The Pride of Africa” , and national
          for rapid change driven by technology   Nairobi-based carrier (Code: KQ),   strategic interests compelled the
                                                                               government to push the nationalization
          and behaviour. This shift could delay an   mismanaged for years and hit hard   of KQ to secure its survival.
          economic recovery in many developing   by  the  Covid-19  pandemic,  needs  to
          African states. But there are exceptions.   cut down its network, ax jobs, and   Sources indicate that the nationalization
          Rwanda is seeking to set itself up as a   restructure its entire business. The all-  model is based on the Ethiopian Airline
          tech-enabled services economy that is   round cleanup operation is cushioned   and provide for a holding structure
          better able to leverage innovation in a   by                         with various sub-units of which Kenya
          post-COVID economy.                                                  Airways will become one division. The
                                            KQ has been making loses for many   others are Kenya Airports Authorities,
          The current crisis will leave lasting scars   years now, the outbreak of the Covid-19   Jomo Kenyatta International Airport,
          in a new but challenging world order.   pandemic, has only fueled the situation.   and a centralized Aviation Services
          The crisis has undoubtedly revealed   Year after year, since 2013, Kenya   College. In a nutshell: The Aviation
          the fragility of the growth models of   Airways has remained in the red. In   Holding will act as a control module and
          developing countries and threatens to   fiscal 2019, the airline posted losses   guardian  of the financial architecture,
          deepen the divide between advanced   amounting to US$122.2 million (€107.8   while  the  4  subdivisions  are  largely
          economies and the Global  South.   million). With the airline’s fleet grounded   responsible for their own doing within
          Rwanda’s president Paul  Kagame  has   due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the   the framework defined by the Holding.
          said that it could take “a generation or   overdue  restructuring of  the airline’s   Plans  are  underway  for the  state to
          more”  for  many  African  countries  to   main and auxiliary operations is being   acquire the minority interests in the
          recover from the pandemic.        speeded up, according to reports   equity. Negotiations on prices and
                                            from Kenyan aviation industry and
          How African states respond and    announcements by government. After   conditions are unlikely to be easy, and
          adapt in the coming months to these   a lot of disagreements on the matter,   they are held under time pressure,
          destabilizing forces will have significant   parliament finally approved the plan.   because international air traffic is
          implications for their future economies                              picking up again with
          and societies. The future appears to be   Kenya Airways shares were on 03JUL20   KQ’s is back in the air with flights from
          one of increasing divergence between   suspended from trading on the Nairobi   Nairobi to Paris, London, Amsterdam,
          the  advanced and developing world.   Stock Exchange to for three months.   Guangzhou,  Dubai,  Accra,  and
          The ability to counter the crisis and   Hours before, KQ stock on the bourse   Lagos, all operated with Boeing 787-
          adapt will require a change in many   rose by 6.39% to Ksh3.83 per share   8s. In addition, neighboring African
          stagnant political systems of African   (US$0.03), attributed to speculations   countries such as Tanzania or Uganda
          states that continue to impede change,   that the government could buy out   are serviced with passenger B737s. All
          now more than ever before. If this shift   minority shareholders at favorable   in all, the carrier has 40 aircraft in its
          does not take place, then the quest for   financial conditions. These are a group   fleet of which 2 are Boeing-737 Special
          structural reform and inclusive growth   of 10 local banks holding 38.1% in KQ,   Freighters utilized on intra-African
          will remain unachievable.         Dutch  airline  KLM possessing  7.8%,   routes and to/from Sharjah in the UAE.

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