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Meanwhile, Dr.  Mukhisa  Kituyi,  the   Tundu Lissu takes on
          UNCTAD secretary general an interview
          a Kenyan newspaper September 10, has
          he considers lopsided. He observes that  Magufuli in Tanzania polls
          criticized the Kenya-US trade deal, which

          it will only benefit the latter. He said the
          US market was already open for Kenyan
          products under the Africa Growth
          Opportunity Act (AGOA) that expires
          in 2025.

          The UNCTAD boss doubts Kenya will
          have a market to create in the US under
          the planed Free Trade Agreement,
          considering it is yet to exhaust existing
          market openings under AGOA.
          ‘’Kenya is currently permitted to export
          more than 1,000 items to the US market.
          It however exports only textiles and a few
          artifacts worth less than $500 million a   President John Pombe Magufuli
          year. It should address production and
          not market,’’ Kituyi said.            anzania head to a presidential   motivated”  attack,  has  also  announced
                                            Telection October 28, as the date   his intention to run.
          Adding that, Kenya should work towards   for the countries highly anticipated   The opposition has been calling for the
          producing more competitive products   presidential election. the election   formation of an independent electoral
          for the US market instead of tying itself   campaign  have  been  running    since   commission, expressing fears the
          to conditional market agreements that   August 26 to October 27, with all   elections is taking place in a climate of
                                                                               violence and intimidation. Magufuli has
          give much leeway to the US.       COVID-19  protocols  nowhere  to  be
                                            observed. The country will also vote   pledged “free and fair” polls.
          He said one of the proposals sent to the   on the same day to elect members of   It is however, now too late for any
                                                                               meaningful action on the commission,
          US Congress is seeking the abolition of   parliament and local councillors.  which is midstream in the preparation
                                            President John Pombe Magufuli who will
          import duty on agricultural exports to   be defending his seat for second term,   for the polls.
          Kenya, an aspect that is likely to erode   dismissed the coronavirus pandemic   Magufuli, who was elected in 2015
          the local market.                 as  a  non-issue,  asking  the  citizenry to   promising to crack down on corruption
                                            go on with their daily lives as usual.   and expand the country’s road and
          He asked the Kenyan delegation on FTA   The East African country has since not   railway network, is accused of infringing
          to  effectively  represent  the  country  by   been publishing any data on the virus,   on freedoms, human rights and
          balancing national interest with the   placing the neighbouring countries in a   increasing  becoming authoritarian.
                                                                               Since his coming to office, newspapers
          trade-off. ‘’How can I have an agreement   dilemma, how to engage or do business   have been shut down, and the work of
          where  my  offensive  interests  are   across the borders.           non-governmental organizations has
          economically more beneficial  than  the   Opposition politicians and critics in   been severely restricted, with rights
                                            have accused  authorities  of  covering
          cost I incur on my defensive interest?’’   up  the  true  extent  of the  coronavirus   groups and opposition parties accusing
          Kituyi asked.                     pandemic in the country.           Magufuli’s government of curbing
                                                                               human rights. The government has
                                            President John Magufuli who is seeking
          He advised that Kenya should consider   re-election after being nominated   denied seeking to stifle dissent.
          going with the rest of the continent to   earlier in August as the candidate of   Tanzania has not updated its number
                                                                               of virus cases since late April, when
          the negotiation table with the US on the   the  governing  Chama  Cha Mapinduzi   Magufuli declared COVID-19 had been
          renewal of Agoa as there was power in   (CCM) party, will be running against   defeated. The president recommends
          numbers.                          Chadema’s Tundu Lissu, who was     prayer, exercise and herbal medicines as
                                            nominated on his return from Belgium   the best ways to fight the pandemic, but
          The African Union had also earlier on,   where he had gone for specialized   also reminds Tanzanians to wash their
          criticized Kenya for going alone despite   treatment following a shooting incident   hands regularly.
          active efforts to set up the African   outside his home.             Magufuli reiterated claims that Tanzania
          Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).   Lissu is the Deputy Chairman of   has no COVID-19 patients, and urged
                                            Chadema, which is the main opposition
          According to Albert Muchanga, AU’s   party in the country. Party leader   international  tourists  to  visit  the  East
                                                                               African country. “That’s why we are all
          commissioner for Trade, AfCTA would   Freeman Mbowe, who was hospitalized,   not wearing face masks here. You think
          be the preferred vehicle for a continent-  last month with a broken leg  after his   we don’t fear dying? It’s because there is
          wide trade deal with the US.      party said he was beaten in a “politically-  no COVID-19,” he said.

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