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         ‘Hotel Rwanda’

         hero, Paul


         in deep trouble

         in Rwanda

             he hero of the film “Hotel
         TRwanda” Paul Rusesabagina,                   Paul Resesabagina, paraded before the press by the RIB in
          is in lots of trouble, but how he got        Kigali.
          himself into it, is difficult to tell, given
          the  conflicting  reports  from  inside   hero’ is surrounded in mystery, and   film Hotel Rwanda and the publicity
          and outside Rwanda. Rusesabagana   only became public and known      that came with it, Paul has used the
          has been in Rwanda custody since   to the world, when the Rwanda     limelight and the many he made
          August 31, this is according to the   Investigation Bureau (RIB) posted in   from the film to establish himself
          Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB),   on Twitter. How he got to Rwanda, a   as a human rights activist, founded
          ending his long sojourn aboard, later   country he has avoided for decades,   the Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina
          becoming Belgian,                 and in which he has been on a wanted   Foundation to fight for global human
          In 2004 the film by Terry George,   man, is now a subject of speculations,   rights.
          which made Rusesabgana famous,    what is not in doubt however, is that   Mr Rusesabagina’s arrest has drawn
          lends to his role as savior, recounting   he will face a long imprisonment   international attention, particularly
          the role of ‘savior, he is said to have   at the end of the Rwandan judicial   given that no country so far, has
          played, and that he personally claims,   process against him if found guilty.   admitted to having executed the
          he did play’ during the 1994 genocide   Among the charges, the prosecutors   international warrant issued for his
          in Rwanda. Many Rwandans have     have lined up include the constitution   arrest.  It  is  curious  is  that  Belgium
          dismissed his claims to having saved   of an illegal armed group and others   has  remained  has  remained  tight
          hundred during the 100 days killings   related to terrorism and contravening   lipped.
          of Tutsis and moderate Hutus, when   Rwandan  laws  and  for  “murder”,   And while Rwanda insists he
          he served as a General `Manager of   “armed robbery”, “incitement to   was arrested on the international
          Hotel des Mille Collines          insurrection”,  and “arson”        warrant with the co-operation of
          The Oscar-nominated film Hotel    An international arrest warrant    other countries, but declining to
          Rwanda showed Rusesabagina, a     issued against Rusesbagana, 66,    provide more details on grounds that
          Hutu  married  to  a  Tutsi,  as  using   on November 9, 2018 by the then   doing so may jeopardize ongoing
          his influence as a manager of the   Attorney General of Rwanda, Jean   investigations, his family issued a
          Hotel des Mille Collines, to allow   Bosco Mutangana, addressed to   statement alleging he was kidnapped
          more  than 1,200 Tutsis  to shelter   Belgium. The Rwanda prosecutors   in Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
          in the hotel’s rooms. In the film,   have lined up a long list of charges   where he had traveled for business.
          Rusesabagina was played by US actor   against the Rwandan, who is also a   The Rwanda exile’s family has
          Don Cheadle.                      dual Belgian nationality.          reportedly denied the charges against
          The arrest of the ‘Hotel Rwanda   Since, the worldwide acclaim of the   him and urged Rwanda to transfer

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