Page 24 - Brewdog Teaching Notes
P. 24


               Banks do not lend money to start-ups without assets. Equity

               financing is a very good way of financing a business if it

               cannot afford a loan. Normally a business would collect a
               network of investors which increases the credibility of the

               business. An investor does not expect immediate returns
               from his investment and hence it takes a long-term view of

               the business. Investors only realise their investment if the

               business is doing well, e.g. through stock market flotation or

               a sale to new investors.

               Equity or Debt?

                       Equity finance              = selling shares

                       Debt finance                = taking a loan from a bank etc. or


               Debt Advantages:

                       Does not impact cash flow,

                       Does not dilute ownership higher risk tolerance.

               Debt Disadvantages:

                       Loan payments, personal

               Equity Advantages

                       Less Overhead: When obtaining equity financing, there
                       is no loan to payback with interest.

                       The funding is committed to the business and its

                       intended projects.

                       allows the capital to be used for business activities.
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