Page 12 - HSBC (D) Teaching Note
P. 12

HSBC Holdings plc provides banking and financial services
                 to      personal,         commercial,           corporate,          institutional,

                 investment, and private banking clients. The company has

                 an  international  network  of  approximately  8,000
                 properties  in  80  plus  countries  and  territories  in  six

                 geographical  regions:  Europe;  Hong  Kong;  Rest  of  Asia-

                 Pacific; the Middle East; North America, and Latin America

                 (5) with more than 284,000 employees, spread over 6,900

                 The bank currently has its headquarters in  London, and
                 latest revenue was approximately £13billion with profits

                 over £1.8billion for the year ending 2017 (Annual Report


                 HSBC has dual primary listings in London and Hong Kong.

                 Historically the CEO was based in Hong Kong.
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