Page 16 - RBS – ABN takeover
P. 16
RBS paid top price, 32 times historic earnings, for assets that had gone down
significantly in value since the bid's launch.
Banco Santander:
Santander takes some of ABN's most
attractive assets, including the Brazilian
division, Banco Real and the Italian division Anton Veneta. The Latin American
wholesale clients however, will be transferred to RBS, apart from Brazil.
Fortis was seen as the weakest link in the consortium as
questions were raised over its ability to arrange financing for its part of the deal.
Also fears over whether it would receive antitrust approval from the European
Union were voiced. Fortis responded that EU objections "related to the market
for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Netherlands," and it had
presented "remedies" that it expected would allow the deal to go through. By the
3 of October both of these queries were answered and objections removed
thereby strengthening the consortium’s bid.
Fortis will take over ABN's retail bank in Holland (where it sponsors Ajax football
club), and its asset management and private clients worldwide. The retail bank is