Page 19 - RBS – ABN takeover
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2006 the division boosted earnings by 20 per cent to £5.5bn. Some analysts
believed that RBS, without the deal, could take three to five years to get to where
ABN was in terms of its banking licences in India and China.
“We have a very simple philosophy at RBS about
brands - they are meant to help you sell things. If
they don't help you sell things then it's not a brand.
I don't mind whether people sell things as NatWest
or RBS or Tesco Personal Finance or Coutts, let's
just get the brand to work for us. Many of the
businesses we are acquiring overseas are corporate
and wholesale businesses where we think the RBS
brand will play at least as well as the ABN AMRO
brand. There may be countries where ABN AMRO
will be a better brand and that will be a
conversation I know we can have with Jean-Paul
Votron about doing what's in the best business
Sir Fred Goodwin, 10 Aug 2007; De Telegraaf and Betten Financial