Page 2 - Tyrrells Chips
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Tyrrells Potato Chips – “I want to be a Serial Entrepreneur”
Mintel estimated that demand for crisps in the UK had fallen by some
9% over the period 2002 – 2005 citing that consumers saw crisps as an
inherently unhealthy product. However, Will Chase saw this as an
“My aim was to produce the tastiest hand fried chips
in the UK with a pedigree – using my years of
knowledge, and ability to grow the raw product here at
Tyrrells Court.”
W ill Chase
In doing so Chase developed a
product line that displayed many
unique selling propositions (USPs)
based on his idea of the premium
potato chip. He believed that
people would pay up to twice the
price for a bag of potato chips if
the chips had nutritional value and
William Chase the ingredients were natural. His
chips moreover, would be sold through upmarket delicatessens, gastro-
pubs and stores like Fortnum & Mason, Selfridges and Harrods.