Page 5 - Tyrrells Chips
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“The key has been designing a brand with identity."
"It's a product with real integrity, pedigree and heritage, and
we try to get that message across in the marketing. The
quality is the most important thing. And initially it was a shock
that people are willing to pay extra for good quality and
ethical production."
William Chase
Tyrrells was named after the village, Tyrrells Court, where
Chase, grew up. He converted one of his potato stores into a small
factory and called his company Tyrrell’s Potato Chips.
The Potato
1. Potatoes are an important source of Vitamin C
A medium portion of new potatoes (175g/6oz) will give you 26%
of your Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of this vital
2. Potatoes are low in fat
3. Potatoes contain no cholesterol
4. Potatoes are high in Potassium and Iron
Tyrrell’s potatoes are grown without pesticides using the “old-fashioned”
potato varieties such as Record, Golden Wonder, Rosetta, and Hermes.